sun-rest, the split program has worked reall wel for me i think its “intense muscle building program”, the plan i want to replace it with for the next two weeks is, mon- spin(am) upperbody(am) spin(midday) karate(pm) With my age being older, I am not rushing back into the high weights, as it would cause my body more harm than good, in the long run. 1. And it takes time. Everyone around me sees it as weakness and I’m starting to think that way too: what is wrong with me, and how can I fix it? Rest and recovery are an important part of any workout plan, letting your muscles heal and helping prevent injuries. I have gained 15 rock solid pounds quite easily and I’m starting to wonder if I have not just been lucky. Is this ok since I have 3 days off every weekend or should I rest on Wednesday and repeat workouts on Th-Fr? Kirk- No, if anything this is not for the big advanced bodybuilder. (2017). As time goes on and the resistance (more weight) you add at each workout becomes less, you can reduce your recovery time down to 3 days, or 72 hours. If you are still tired after getting more protein via a drink of some kind, be sure your electrolytes are okay. None of your comments relate to age, but I have found the following to be a good rule of thumb at any age: If you were going to do that for a month, then I’d caution you to back off a bit. At first I was working on everything daily, but after reading posts on this site changed to weights once a week. My non-muscle days are mostly cardio, such as 5 miles on a treadmill, etc. For maintenance level training with 4 or 5 sets of 10 reps, 3 times a week seems ok. "I've even worked with a chiropractor and found that it works especially well when combined with an active stretch during the foam roll. – for your point #2, are you saying 2 days of lifting (upper body), 2 days of heavy leg work (lifting) and 2 days of cycling? This isn't to suggest you should shy away from challenging workouts, but putting the pedal to the metal and training full bore year-round is likely to do as much harm as good. thues-lowerbody(am) Is this a good routine Or should I take more days off? But read the other article and if you have additional questions you can post them there. A little Gatorade never hurt anyone! The short answer is: It depends. "I've done foam rolling. I am now working back to my pre-operation weights. Thanks. Obviously nobody can give you concrete advice over the internet after such an accident. Sleep isn't like a bank account: You can't just move hours around to compensate. W- Back & Biceps @Riccio – sorry to hear about the accident. After your workout, pick 3-5 main areas and hold for five full breath cycles. It's become especially relevant during the past few decades, as exercise scientists have stepped in to measure which factors can help speed up the recovery process so you're ready to move iron or dominate the next game faster than ever. This is aimed at genetically average people who have stresses in life such as work and family, school, etc. I used a upper lower split its my favorite and I have a night owl work schedule .but after a few weeks I feel run down and it starts being counter productive and i star havening to lower the intensity of my training sessions .so then I went to each muscle group once a week and that I felt better not as worn down but I also felt lie I should be doing more .by the way I am 36 so I noticed I don’t recover like I did when I was 20 .any advice from someone who’s gone through what I’m going through. Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes. that’s tougher (not impossible, just really tough), I’m not seeing anything here about how to prevent muscle over-training when trying to get in better aerobic shape…. I think you will be fine with one day of rest between lifting days. The Big 7 give your arms plenty of work while working other muscles too. Any advice/guidance at all will be much appreciated. It is common knowledge that we should get 8 hours sleep, minimum. Your specific quesiton, about recovery impact of your two-week burn… Well, two weeks is a really short period so it’s not going to likely have much impact on anything: you might shed an extra pound or two of fat, and you won’t lose any muscle, and you won’t gain any muscle, and you probably won’t kill your joints. This should allow ample time for rest and recovery. The weights I use are adjustable flats weights on a pully system I think it is a Maxium 3500 machine. Sounds like your routine stinks. Anyway, your specific question is whether training muscle group A will affect recovery time of muscle group B. If you’re just forcing yourself to workout when you think you may need some rest than you’re obviously doing something wrong. For more personal advice, post something over on . I’ve personally had success with this method early on as I divided my muscles into three groups and trained each group once a week. mobility? Now, if you want to gain more muscle size, your weight will probably increase. I had attempted a solid workout 7 or 8 years ago to somewhat dissapointing results. For most genetically average people, twice a week is plenty, and I agree that 3 times every two weeks works well. I have to commute 40 miles to school every day and I get no more than 6 hours a sleep. Supplements should never replace a smart training plan and solid diet, but they can augment your hard work in the gym. I've heard some people say to wait atleast 48 hours before working out a muscle again, and some people say to wait 72 hours. The recommendations for muscle recovery in this article are to give your muscles a break after heavy lifting (which is important for women too). So order is jumping jack, star jump, burpees and repeat. Strenuous exercise can cause muscle damage, and it takes time for muscles to adapt and remodel—at any age. So I have been following this routine but I’m not sure if I’m doing more harm than good. As far as sleeping goes it is very important. Even if you're an extremely experienced athlete, if you're continually pushing the envelope you need to consistently focus on recovery strategies. What is the max you are hitting now and what was your peak? If you train your upper body one day and lower the next, you’d need 6 workouts in 2 weeks (3 a week) to get 3 workouts for each muscle group. while this “get plenty of rest” makes sense for proper muscle growth, there is something that puzzles me a bit, there is this one guy that lives in a poor third world country, and he works carrying heavy loads of stuff on his back down and uphill every day, he is a poor day laborer, he does not eat protein drinks and i am sure his diet is not the best either, and yet, his calves are soo massive that it rivals those of professional body builders, how does he acomplishes this? The most obvious place to start your recovery is with your diet—not just what you eat post-workout, but all day long. Ambitious lifters often drive themselves hard in the gym—sometimes too hard. T – upper Think about it, that’s exactly how many times you would train each muscle group in a week if you’re only giving them 48 hours of rest on a consistent basis. I have gained a lot of strength considering where I started.The gym I use has limited equiptment ( is on sight where I live ,its free ).I just really need good advise on the circuit training. That is just an example, I personally get around 9-10 hours sleep on average. Butting in light cardio on your off days is probably fine. The quads, hamstrings, and glutes, incur a significantly greater amount of overall micro tears than other muscle groups simply because they have the greatest amount of muscle mass engaged when trained. But muscle growth and adaptation? And research indicates that citrulline malate may fight the effects of fatigue during your workout. Of course, these recommendations aren’t set in stone either. This can be a great tactic for beginners. What would be the proper rest period with 1) lifting weights and running and 2) lifting weights and martial arts ( includes a lot of hard punching, kicking, and getting hit)? Using 1:1 work:rest ratio..afterwhich I’ll get exhausted but satisfied. And yes, I’m not ignoring the rest of my body. I am training 6 times per week and i dont know what should i do because,I train on monday and thursday chest and biceps,on tuesday and friday back and triceps and on wensday and saturday shoulders and legs,and sunday its off.When I train chest and biceps again on monday (when it has rested 96 hours from it last training)next day mu chest and biceps feel sore(pain).Is this right or this sore ruins my muscles.pls explain this to me. Contrary to a lot of women..I would like to GAIN I would like to gain muscle as well. The military has been doing pushups daily for many, many decades so that’s not inherently a problem. If you are using any particular “system” or books for guides, please let us know. im not suggesting that this will get me ripped but rather more of a step in the right direction. One thing I learned from being an avid reader of Stuart McRobert is overtraining will ruin any chances of gains, period. That means plenty of protein consumed in smaller meals throughout the day (roughly 30 grams per meal), as well as carbs to replace spent muscle glycogen. Recuperation is the time it takes the body to recover from hard intense exercise. Then you do biceps again on Thursday, and again on Friday when you do back. @ darin thanks im 21 so im a good age lol oh right i didnt realize that will put my email add in thankyou once again :). You can do what you describe every day of the week and it will not interfere with recovery. Work hard in the GYM, and play hard, no rest well too, haha. Nutrition, adequate sleep and proper training methods make a difference in how fast the muscle will recover after training, but most bodybuilders need at least 48 hours to regain strength. Don't forget fats, either; saturated fats help maintain optimal levels of testosterone in your body. Recently I decided I wanted to build more bulk, especially in the arms and chest, and have been reading about giving muscles time to rest, and pushing muscles to “failure” level. M- Back & Biceps Opinions/advice? Exercises | 154,955 views, How Long Then I had a bad accident – a drunk driver hit me broadside on my bike. I train 5 times a week, revolving around the snatch, CNJ, squatting, snatch grip deadlifts and the assistance lifts for weightlifting like high pulls. I always liked the 3x/week approach. Cycle in periods of lower-intensity training and even time off from the gym, both for your physical as well as mental health. The best way for that: modify what you eat. At the very least, don’t strength train the same muscle group more often than 2 or 3 times per week. The calves, on the other hand, have the fastest recovery time, in part because of their fairly small size and higher percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers. This soreness will improve with time, usually over the course of several weeks to a month. There are infinite variations for programs. They have machines, free weights, treadmills and so on. Bill Geiger, MA, has served as a senior content editor for and group editorial director with MuscleMag and Reps magazines. So if I don’t want to build muscle and only burn calories could I just keep working out and it will keep burning calories. @amyalmaq – first off, congratulations! Trust me, in a bodybuilding routine, you need to rest your muscles. but what about this sequence of days: cycle, legs, upper, off, cycle, legs, upper, off, etc.? After a weightlifting workout, your muscles need about 24 hours of recovery time. M – upper – I assume you have a typo when you say you weigh 185 and only 10 to 12 pounds is fat – that’s single digit bodyfat% – something even a 20 yr old would kill for @exernoob – your normal routine looks like a fine routine and it sounds like you know enough to not stay on any one routine for too long (but not to change it too soon either!). Barnett, A. I started working out 4 to 5 times a week to lose fat before tuning my body. fri- spin(am) lowerbody(am) spin(midday) spin(pm) I’m trying to lose weight, and using weight lifting as a means to an end. Rippetoe’s programs has really worked well for me. Alternative treatments for muscle injury: massage, cryotherapy, and hyperbaric oxygen. Days of rest, I agree with the 3x a week of weight training, and on the off days I do an hour of cardio to keep with the habbit. Every month or so, trade your challenging program for a whole week of less-intense workouts. It’s all a matter of degree, but if you are trying to burn calories, that implies a desire to lose fat (or even overall weight). Recovery Thing is, I get concerned when I'm waiting 10 days between workouts because of the soreness I experiance. – at your age, REgaining the size you were two yrs ago is very reasonable; gaining MORE size than you had 2 yrs ago? Can the abs take being worked out hard more than twice a week? Hello, You may have heard that your muscles are ready to be trained again after 48 hours of rest. Taking a day of rest between workouts can help you build muscle faster and improve your strength. Problem is, they can’t agree what’s best half of the time either, so anything I could tell you is only speculation. Muscle recovery time can vary, but exercise-induced muscle tears usually heal within three days. Is the fact that my legs are being to feel more so like jello a part of lack of sleep or a mix of to much training? a quike run down of my monday is as follows. I’d like to do a full body weight workout (targeting all the major muscle groups) on a day and I understand that I need to give myself 2 days to rest/ question is can I use my rest days to do HIIT/jogging or can I do HIIT/jogging straight after my weight workout? 3) I am slowly getting stronger and slightly less tendon sensitive, but I can’t seem to get back any size. Muscle recovery time. Eating is probably more important than lifting. And you can’t workout on weekends. I think in some ways I may be overdoing it, and in other ways probably not doing enough. It’s all about finding what works for you through trial and error. Also, between training, you need a minimum of one day off before hitting the gym again. Anyway, your specific question is whether training muscle group A will affect recovery time of muscle group B. Tiidus, P. M. (2015). By SAFMG in forum Teen Bodybuilding Replies: 5 Last Post: 08-14-2012, 07:58 PM. My goal weight is about 140lbs. At the very least, if you’re working hard with heavy, compound movements, try not to work out more than 2 days consecutively without a day off. Bodybuilders rotate between muscle groups every workout to allow for this recovery time. For maximum recovery, most people need some 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, depending on the individual—genetics probably come into play here, too. Check out the forums at to see if the discussion there would help you with that. Th- Shoulders & Arms & Abs wed-rest You see many athletes today working their muscles on foam rollers, and for good reason. Let’s say, for example, that you do heavy squats on Monday, Deadlifts and some back work on Tuesday, and then shoulder presses and bench presses on Wednesday. If your feeling good and making progress than you are doing something right. It’s not just for looks – it’s about biomechanical balance. So far I’m doing really good. I am not doing legs at the moment because I have a torn ligament/meniscus, so once I get that taken care of, I will start that up. Lifting “too much” – meaning, paying no attention to rest and recovery at all – starts a physiological breakdown that will affect general health (immune system), your joints, your energy levels, etc. Am I just genetically gifted or pushing my luck? ", Anthony Barnett's research published in Sports Medicine reinforces the notion that complete recovery is critical to great results. Holding a certain position for a longer period … I started to eat 2 to 3 times more than before I started working out. "I know this is one area I can improve on, especially since lack of sleep can affect your hormone response," Capurso says. ... does age help recovery time? 1) I think some medicine – maybe cortisone has given me an almost chronic tendon problem, biceps and pecs, a bit in the hips. It’s a great motivator! i want to get muscle and strength please someone write back to me or email me @scott – see the companion article: I have been told resting my muscles will enhance my growth but my routine at the moment has a 2-3 day rest before strenuously using the same muscle group. Each muscle group is still getting the amount of rest that it needs. Creatine has been shown to boost strength and muscle mass when used in combination with resistance training. '' Jewell explains: ), then this is because your body handles its work load the same speed and! Power output. moment and every bit of pain risk of injury during a subsequent workout @ Romeo –,! Then this is my first post here, so do the full-body routine – doing various of. Can still outlift most people in my Hypertrofreak routine ( that routine includes 2 routines, one those... Using 1:1 work: rest ratio.. afterwhich I ’ ve found, but do n't expect it all time... Stepper, etc get into this stuff see “ chest ” for me be. 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