In some situations witnesses may be your primary source of information because you may be called upon to investigate an incident without being able to examine the scene immediately after the event. otherwise definition: 1. used after an order or suggestion to show what the result will be if you do not follow that…. But we have no plan in place to get the House of Representatives and Senate up and running quickly if there is a terrorist attack that kills or disables enough people that you fall below a quorum. You may be happy to be a team player, but at the end of the day you have core responsibilities—and those should be your top priorities. I kept my vehicles filled up in Alaska (-40) and in Northern Maine (-70 with windchill) because it kept the moisture down and I needed the added weight for traction. There's certainly a few essential life skills that schools don't cover, that would've been helpful to learn as a teenager rather than suddenly being plunged into the adult world and figuring it all out alone. It is perhaps most used to emphasize that a different but positive action was preferable. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is including added sugars on the Nutrition Facts label so that you can make informed choices, based on your individual needs and preferences. For example, if your boss delivers a fairly vague request, like asking you to oversee a new initiative and provide strategic guidance, get the specifics about what exactly that means. You shouldn't have delivered it is perfectly acceptable but informal.. You should haven't delivered it is wrong.. You should not have delivered it is perfectly acceptable, but would be rare in normal speech.. You should have not delivered it is rare but acceptable. I should have been … There is no better reason than this: we don't have the ERA yet, and we need it. But that doesn't mean there aren't exceptions. You’d think that the government would have a series of backup plans in place just in case something like this were to arise. If you keep your vehicle filled up and drive around like that…not so much. The actual course of Reconstruction was complex and far from easy. Although there may be occasions when you are unable to do so, every effort should be made to interview witnesses. Irish secondary schools tend to vary greatly across the country, but I'm sure we can all agree that our education there didn't exactly cover everything it should have.. Even though Reconstruction pragmatically failed, given the circumstances of the time, there was no feasible way that it could have been done significantly better. This is a ready solution to a huge problem, and the country needs to move forward with it now. I don't think there is anything left to add. After the South was forced back into the Union it had no political power. Learn more. ... but we should always check the words and history of the Constitution to see if something is already covered. The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech (even hate speech), press and protest.