It will boost your self-discipline and make you develop good habits in your relationship. They make very lovely pieces of jewelry like necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and rings. Luckily the stone is so striking that this at least makes it very easy to identify when it’s in need of cleansing. It is a stone of abundance much like citrine. By leaving the Citrine crystal in these spaces, it attracts the negative energies into its aura and transmutes them into positive, joyful energies once more. The Citrine crystal is a great choice for healing and for manifestation. Don’t be surprised if this stone just helps you to feel more energized overall! Or maybe it’s simply a scary activity that takes us far out of our comfort zone. Coming soon! Citrine has been used in accessories and jewelry for a long time. When you cleanse your Citrine, make sure that your intention is clear. It will cleanse, energize, and warm your aura. Citrine. You’ve been told to save for your retirement, cut down on your daily coffee expenses or diversify your investments. Citrine has been used by jewelry makers for centuries to create beautiful pieces of jewelry. Gain in-depth knowledge about crystals, their healing properties, meanings, and practices to achieve a specific intention. It’s a symbol of happiness, hope, friendship and chastity. It will be supportive of your generous nature but will help you protect your wealth. Together, the energy of passion and action make Carnelian an essential component of every crystal collection. Citrine will radiate … Citrine is a yellow type of quartz. Each one has different redness. Its' bright, cheery, yellow citrine color has been a major determining factor in citrine meaning throughout the centuries. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine stone meaning the yellow color november birthstone. Whether you tend to have a pessimistic or negative outlook on life, or you’re going through a rough patch and need to shift your state, the bright and vibrant energy of your crystal will emit a higher frequency to stimulate feelings of optimism and positivity. You will know right away if you can trust a person or not. Like all gemstones, there are four main factors that you should consider when shopping for your dream Citrine jewelry. By wearing Citrine crystal jewelry, carrying the stone, and incorporating it into your space, you can align yourself with the energy of light to bring more happiness into your life and your environment. Metaphysical Properties ~~~~~ Citrine ~~~~~ Serves The Solar Plexus Chakra. And we could all do with a little more of it sometimes! Before you know it, Citrine may well have set your fortunes on fire in the best possible way! And a point of connection that enables you to use the differences between both of you as a strength instead of a weakness. That sense of vitality will soon kick in, whatever age you happen to be. Over the decades the Citrine spirits have made themselves known as a “merchant’s stone” or success stone. As soon as it comes into contact with your skin, the stone will bring opportunity and abundance into your life simply by elevating your sense of optimism. Click here for Afterpay's complete terms. Remember, our physical health has much to do with our emotional health. Liked it? Madeira is one kind of Citrine (Quartz with yellow color). Every day, your spirit gets exposed to external energies that are both harmful and good for the spirit. It can also help relieve painful symptoms of PMS, like hot flashes, menstrual cramps, mood swings, bloating, and craving for unhealthy food. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It can also help alleviate feelings of fatigue. These crystals often exhibit amazing shades of the various colors. You can also use it to dissipate fears of being alone or unworthy of love. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people’s lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. You can place Citrine in your meditation space to activate this effect. We use cookies for analytics and marketing. Citrine is a good crystal to have when you need to listen to your partner and find a way to settle your differences. Identify any unknown crystal with our crystal identifier tool! Wearing Citrine earrings will help you think clearly. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. Everything will be illuminated, and you will have a clearer picture of what you must do to keep the negativity away. Due to the rarity of this gemstone, some gems sold as citrine may not be true citrine. While there is undoubtedly an earthy quality to this beautiful stone, it also seems to connect you to the broader universe in some profound ways. It will help keep your emotions steady and make you stay calm even in the most challenging situations. And it also acts as a purifier and helps counteract the harmful effects of pharmaceutical medicines. This stone is very adept at helping you to overcome physical illness, or even aiding you in entirely preventing it from taking hold in the first place. If you are looking for an assistant to jump-start your creative juices, then set Citrine next to your easel, your workbench, your musical instrument, or whatever other tools you use. Also known as the “Light Maker,” the Citrine crystal has a bright yellow hue, which reflects its equally vibrant energy. It’s sure to display well; no matter how you choose to present it. With this in mind, you can use it as an excellent tool to bring positive energies to areas where you might have or suspect to have negative energies, spirits, or even ghosts. It activates both, mind and body. Its color is clear/translucent with hues ranging from pale yellow to amber and orange, and can sometimes have slight brown shades as well. The older you get, the more duties there will be. Some sellers can try and scam you by selling you colored glass and pass it off to you as an actual Citrine. Through the years, it has maintained its place in the jewelry world and is almost a necessity to have in your jewelry box. This boost of positivity allows you to keep your energy focused on manifesting your dreams, without letting negativity get in the way. It’s because the spirit can also get bogged down with negative and toxic energies. Your citrine necklace, bracelet or earrings can remind you to choose happiness, and to tap into the light and positive energy that is always available to you. Most Citrine seen on the market is actually Amethyst that has been heat treated to achieve a yellow hue. Especially if you’re exposed to a lot of toxic people in your environment. Therefore, if you want to feel sunny and cheery again, make sure to have your Citrine crystals with you. It’s a wonderful crystal to have with you if you’re going through depression and if you have fears and phobias that are keeping you from living a healthy life. They also help in fortifying the nerves and strengthening the spine. Just by looking at this stone you will feel uplifted by the Citrine crystal healing properties. Carry: In addition to wearing the stone, carrying a Citrine stone in your wallet, purse or pocket allows you to bring positive energy with you wherever you go. It can boost your self-esteem and encourage a positive flow of energy into your life. Citrine crystals are formed when purple Amethyst undergoes heat treatment. If nightmares or bad dreams haunt you place citrine underneath the bed, to enhance dreams place citrine underneath your pillow at night. A Citrine in this color can be pricey. Like a refreshing glass of lemonade, Citrine can bring a quick, energetic pick-me-up to those who use it with diligence and respect. Citrine with stronger red color is called Madeira. It is an excellent crystal to have during these months or to carry with you during the non-summer months when we all are looking for the heightened energy that this time of year brings. Citrine can also be combined with other stones to amplify their energies, such as Dzi, Hematite, Agate, and Rose Quartz. Most commercial Citrine isn’t really Citrine at all, but is instead amethyst/smoky quartz that has been baked with high heat. It is connected to the third chakra, Solar Plexus. Citrine is a happy stone. By connecting with Citrine, you can harness the energy of light and the energy of the sun embodied within this stone, which acts as a source of positive energy in all aspects of your life. The green color can make this kind of Citrine hard to identify. Large rough stones can be a unique way to display the stone, while a smaller polished and cut piece may give a more classic look. Though the stone has an abundant history of being used in jewelry by ancient civilizations, Citrine is actually very rare today. Red is the color of the first or base chakra Rather than waiting for life to fall perfectly into place in order to be happy, Citrine encourages you to make the conscious decision to be happy regardless of what is going on around you. Citrine is also known as the ultimate manifestation stone, as well as the merchant stone because it’s, no other stone can surpass its energy for bringing in that prosperity type of vibe. Money can never buy happiness, of course, but you certainly deserve comfort! Citrine – Metaphysical Meaning & Properties. Since 2012 has been the fastest growing collection expert articles, media and information on the powers of crystals and their meanings. Or you could either wear or hold some in your hands to really feel its effects wash over you. Crystal Meanings. The different growth forms of quartz have created their own terms. It will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, as bold and as brilliant as the stone itself. The loving light of Citrine is inspiring when you feel like love and comfort is lacking in your relationship. We make custom jewelry with cut or raw citrine gemstone set as earrings, rings, necklace, bracelet or pendant. . Not sure what crystal you’re looking for? The most powerful and healing way to use healing crystals is to connect with them and develop a deep relationship with them. And when you lack in physical energy or motivation, Citrine can prove to be just the boost you need to push through. This is why you should not place it or store it where there’s too much exposure to heat and light. The Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Citrine. It will help you become more radiant and have a more optimistic attitude. Citrine crystals give energy to the body and enhance electrical impulses in the nervous system. It’s the color of forgiveness and positivity. It stimulates mental power and helps to focus. The Spiritual Meaning Of Citrine Its pale yellow color is what gives it its name, Citrine, coming from the French citron, meaning lemon. This stone will help you to see cashflow as just that – a flow of finances from one party to the next, always in motion. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and … They resemble a Topaz, and the color of Citrine is caused by chemical impurities. Wear: Wearing Citrine in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the stone’s energy throughout the day. Citrine is also known as the Success Stone and the Merchant’s Stone. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. When you feel lacking in direction or self-worth, spending some time in a calm or meditative state with your Citrine stone is often all it takes to turn that feeling around. It supports the urinary tract, stimulates your mental efforts and energy. It has a mixture of colors within the stones, and some stones have quite beautiful and unusual color combinations. Having silence will allow you to hear your thoughts and feel your emotions. Generally, this kind of dream denounces matters of material elevation but almost ever of moral, spiritual or sentimental matters. Even bright and vibrant Citrine can suffer in this way. So take some time and explore to find your perfect crystal and remember to like and share any content that you feel a connection with. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. You could also place it on top of a business card or financial document to call in wealth and success. Spiritual Meaning of the Color Red The color red is vibrant and full of life, it has a range of meanings from love and passion to fiery anger, it excites and energizes. But it can last you for many years with your everyday wear and tear. This is a versatile stone that holds a great deal of power and promise. Are you looking for the light at the end of the tunnel? We become exhausted when these types of exchanges occur chaotically and without reason. It also goes by the name 'Light Maker', Citrine can be found in yellow, yellowish-brown or smoky grey-brown color. It could be a startlingly stark difference at first, but stick with it – this stone will keep you safe. You can use any jewelry cleaner, or just mild soap with warm water and an old toothbrush with soft bristles when you clean your Citrine crystal. The amount of iron present when the crystal is forming determines this variation in color. You can always tell when Citrine needs cleansing, either physically or energetically, by how they catch the light – or not, as the case may be. You cannot run away from them forever, and you cannot pass them on to someone else. The energy of Citrine will help you analyze situations and digest information. © Copyright 2020 Energy Muse Jewelry Inc. All Rights Reserved. It can vary slightly from a semi-translucent yellow to a rich deep brown. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Another reason a Citrine crystal is so powerful for manifesting and attracting wealth and success is that it is a member of the Quartz family. Citrine’s bright and happy energy fills your spirit with positivity and the highest vibrations, clearing any blockages or imbalances in your solar plexus chakra with its sunny energy. This will benefit not only you but your partner and your relationship as well. What is Citrine? While you and your partner will simply never see eye to eye about absolutely everything, Citrine will at least help you to reach an understanding. “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being” -Nikola Telsa Crystals hold the history of our world, and encapsulate eons of crystalline information, knowledge and wisdom. And it’s good for helping you align your head and your heart when they seem to want different things. The practical benefits of this are profound clarity, a strengthened ability to make decisions in alignment with your spiritual path, and … Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Sometimes referred to as lemon citrine or yellow topaz in jewelry. However, you’ll be relieved to discover that green Citrine is just as dependable a healer and energizing a presence. Citrine is also known as the Merchant’s Stone, due to its ability to transmute energies quickly and easily, facilitating transfers of energy from one to another. Buy natural citrine in our shop. Wear: For constant access to the bright and uplifting energy of this stone, you can wear Citrine jewelry. And it can make you look forward to the future with hope and positivity. The main difference between citrine and amethyst is the oxidation state of iron impurities. Citrine is found in Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, and the United States. Citrine is best known for attracting good luck. But Citrine can work wonders in keeping your spirits lifted and your mood high. From your attitude and outlook to your projects and pursuits, the Citrine crystal healing properties are perfectly suited to raise your vibration and help you embrace positivity and optimism as you move through life. Filled with positive energy, you can more easily connect to your inner light, as well as bring a sense of optimism to your endeavors. It brings healing light to the body and illuminates the mind. Citrine jewelry can hold much of power that the stone caries. Everything you need to know about clearing and cleansing your crystals, your space, and yourself (plus how to do it!). And often, it’s how the chemicals interplay here that lead from one hue to the other. It can also regenerate your spiritual self! This makes a Citrine crystal ideal for a variety of intentions, including happiness, confidence, manifestation, and wealth. Citrine. Citrine is also highly protective of its wearer. And let them flow freely as they must – without interference, however wrought and scary it gets. Like Vitamin C for the soul, the Citrine crystal properties emanate positivity and joy. It will manifest success and abundance in your business or career. A citrine bracelet can be a beautiful decorative piece as well as providing spiritual energy. Please consider supporting my work on Patreon! The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation. And they can improve blood circulation, and even remove cellulite! Citrine is the perfect tool to cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit. This stone is more closely linked to yellow Citrine than you might realize. When you’re ill, it brings down your mood and vice versa. You may also be familiar with green Citrine, which is a somewhat strikingly different version of this stone, as the name suggests. Much of Citrine’s deepest meaning comes to the fore the more time you spend with this crystal, letting its energies free and feeling them mingle with your own. This is why they’re also sometimes called ‘burnt amethyst’. But do not let that discourage you from its importance, for Citrine knows that it is in these first initial moments of confusion and dismay where we can most easily recalibrate our energies and move back onto our true paths. Whether it’s remembering that you need to spend money to make money, or just preventing panic when you suddenly have to make some massive expenditure, Citrine helps you take a long term view and to trust the process. Citrine necklaces come in a variety of lengths, from chokers to ropes. For those involved in business ventures, particularly new business ventures with new clients or partners, Citrine can be an excellent tool to have on hand, whether in one’s pocket or purse, to increase the flow of money-based energy from one hand to another. Raw Citrine Crystal Point with smoky phantoms. They will act as an early warning system when someone is not being upfront or truthful with you. Dreaming of a citrine of yellow intense color is omened an encounter of you with the president of your company to exchange and to approve your project of investments presented the last month. Citrine a hard gemstone and is rated a 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. Are you working on attracting wealth and success, but need a boost of confidence to go after what you want? Citrine Crystals are well known as potent healing crystals for you to use to aid you to manifest abundance and prosperity, but also have other properties, including to relieve fear and anxiety. If you find any visible inclusions or air bubbles, the Citrine is not authentic. Filled with crystal meanings, intentions, and practices, our books will be your go-to guides on your crystal journey. Citrine can help balance and facilitate these types of energies. Unlock all premium content with Crystal365! You’ll find that Citrine will be one of the most dependable crystals in your collection. Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice! In metaphysics, citrine has a different spiritual significance, that is of aligning all the chakras. Whenever you find yourself feeling down, hold the stone in your hands and allow it to raise your vibration and fill your energy field with light. Citrine also represents spiritual joy since it spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is said to be one of only two crystals which do not need to be recharged or purified. Slight green colour like Lemon Quartz. These kinds of exchanges do not come cheaply. Just as you might remark of a loved one down in the dumps as having lost their spark, so too do crystals seem less iridescent when they need this kind of attention. One can place the stone in parts of one’s house where the money is kept to safeguard it and keep its energetic qualities pure. Visiting a jewelry store in person can give you a good idea about the style, setting, and size you may like best. Natural Citrine Introduction to Citrine. Citrine is an absolute personal favorite when it comes to crystals used to manifest prosperity and over all well being. The information on this website is purely spiritual and metaphysical in nature and in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with a Licensed Medical Practitioner, medicine or medical treatment. It stimulates the body's own healing energies. And of course, it has the most uncanny yet welcome way of attracting new money and new opportunities to you. Like with Hematite, they can bring inner peace and wisdom, and stimulate your intellectual activities. Exercise caution when buying citrine. By activating both your imagination and your will, citrine helps you clearly envision what you want, and then gives you the persistence to see it through. When you fall in love with someone and enter a relationship with them, their happiness is your responsibility. Citrine Meanings, Zodiacs, Planets, Elements, Colors, Chakras, and more. Natural citrine is actually very rare, but a lot of the citrine that is found for sale is actually heated amethyst since the properties of amethyst and citrine are so similar. Estimated payment amounts shown on product pages exclude taxes and shipping charges, which are added at checkout. If you want to skip ahead and learn how to best use this crystal, click here. Not sure what intention you’d like to explore. A great way to tell if a Citrine is real is to look at the stone in the light. Many of us can’t help but feel a little down if we don’t get out into the sun often enough. Citrine carries the powers of the sun. The most desirable color of a Citrine is a rich brownish-orange color with semi-transparency. It comes in palest, clear lemon to a very vibrant yellow. One of the primary uses for a Citrine crystal is for an intention of happiness and positivity. Everyone’s been given financial advice at some point in their lives. But there are also Citrine mines that can be found in the USA, Russia, Madagascar, England, France, Spain, Brazil, and South Africa. For manifesting wealth, we suggest placing it in your office, on your desk, or near your workspace. Citrine Raw quartz Metaphysical Meanings and Properties Citrine raw quartz is Also know as the Merchant Stone, Manifestation, Personal Will, Mental Clarity, Creativity, Physic Enhancement, Divine Feminine, Dissipates Negative Energy. Enhancing this energy center can help dissolve blocks and stagnation, resulting in higher energy levels and a boost in overall circulation. The Citrine crystal meaning is associated with wealth and abundance, which is why it is often called “The Merchant Stone” or “The Success Stone.” In fact, if your intention involves achieving success in financial or business ventures, this is one of the best stones for boosting those manifestations. You will feel your ideas springing forward more readily, without any hesitation. Re giving your crystal journey hue, which is a powerful tool manifesting... Rare stone that holds a great deal of power that the stone s. Will manifest success and abundance to you because it resembles a yellow diamond or topaz soul. Pendants, bracelets, and can sometimes have slight brown shades as well as providing spiritual energy luckily stone! Energy to fill your space intellectual activities but will help you unleash your creativity and imagination deep relationship them! Properties of Citrine crystals close to your partner raw citrine spiritual meaning find a way to tell if a Citrine grid for energy. 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