3120 - Frank Gilbreth 2148 - Charles Devens - Completed as Samore Loan Great Britain; Samdel 1566 - Irving M. Scott 0268 - Theodore Sedgwick - USAT 0867 - James Iredell - WSAT (504) USAT 2651 - William S. Baer 0102 - Daniel Carroll - USAT 2421 - John W. Gates 3005 - Samsperrin - Loan Great Britain 1927 - Judah Touro - Launched as IX 123 Mink 1025 - Walter Q Gresham 0573 - Mark Hanna 1226 - John Muir - USAT 0557 - Daniel H. Lownsdale - WSAT (550) USAT 1783 - Hawkins Fudske 0834 - John Bell 2309 - J. H. Drummond Before Kaiser entered the business ships were constructed from the keel up by one crew of workers; a process that took as long as six months. 1756 - Thomas U. Walter 2808 - Am-Mer-Mar - USAT 0541 - Josiah Snelling 2760 - Sidney H. Short - USAT 0133 - Thomas Scott And then, in 1347, some Genoese trading ships inadvertently brought a new, invasive species of rat to Europe. 1502 - James W. Wetmore 2948 - Kyle V. Johnson, 1958 2689 - Samuel L. Cobb 2579 - Elwood Mead 2603 - Robert Ellis Lewis 2128 - Heber M. Creel 3128 - Lorenzo C. McCarthy - USAT 1578 - Stephen Crane - USAT 2383 - Richard Randall 2005 - Ignatius Donnelly - USAT 0036 - Alexander Macomb 2143 - Harmon Judson - Completed as Samwash Loan Great Britain 2274 - Henry White 1872 - William Kelly - Completed as AK 108 Rotanin 2462 - W. C. Latta - USAT 2545 - Philip C. Shera 0275 - William L. Smith - WSAT (550) USAT 0250 - Lewis Morris - USAT 2595 - Leyte - ARG 8 1196 - John J. Crittenden - USAT 2512 - Grover C. Hutcherson 0073 - Zebulon Pike - WSAT (550) USAT 1604 - Amos Kendall 2892 - William W. Seaton 2004 - George L. Shoup - Completed as Pskov Loan USSR 1972 - John Grier Hibben 0486 - O. Henry 2142 - Wayne MacVeagh 0314 - William Blount - WSAT (550) USAT 2263 - Jan Pieterszoon Coen 2478 - Thomas J. Lyons 1546 - William W. Loring - USAT 0001 - J. L. M. Curry 2604 - Samcolne - Loan Great Britain 1979 - Edward Richardson - WSAT AP USAT 1701 - Ring Lardner 2458 - Mollie Moore Davis - Completed as ARG 13 Burias; AG 69 0131 - Andrew Moore - WSAT (550) USAT 2315 - Edward K. Collins 0616 - Lindley M. Garrison - WSAT AP USAT Library of Congress photo. 0927 - Pearl Harbor - USAT 2839 - Frank E. Spencer 0160 - William A. Graham - WSAT (550) USAT 2614 - John H. Murphy about 44 and 12 to 25 Naval Armed Guard. 3073 - Coasters Harbor - AG 74 1073 - Thomas Wolfe - USAT 1905 - Cyrus K. Holliday - IX 116 Gazelle 1879 - Albino Perez 1100 - George M. Pullman 1960 - Albert S. Burleson 0293 - John A. Sutter - USAT 0652 - John Sedwick [Sedgwick] 1558 - Jonathan P. Dolliver 1630 - Richard Harding Davis 2627 - Samglory - Loan Great Britain 0338 - Richard Hovey 2982 - James Kyron Walker 0482 - Sheldon Jackson - USAT 1103 - Glenn Curtiss - USAT 2929 - Nicholas D. Labadie - USAT 0266 - William B. Travis - WSAT (550) USAT 0535 - Matthew Lyon - AKN 5 Zebra 1504 - John B. Gordon 1911 - John A. Roebling 2082 - Midwest Farmer 2796 - Walker D. Hines 2342 - John L. McCarley - USAT 2166 - John W. Foster 1921 - Albert G. Brown 0570 - William S. Rosecrans - WSAT (504) USAT 2264 - Augustin Daly 2102 - Murat Halstead - Completed as Chung Cheng [Generalissimo Chiang 2930 - Arthur St. Clair - USAT 0984 - John E. Schmeltzer - WSAT (550) USAT 2043 - Delazon Smith 2176 - David Hewes 1680 - Charles A. Warfield 0316 - Richmond Mumford Pearson 1048 - Julien Poydras 0490 - John Howard Payne 0977 - William W. Gerhard - USAT 1976 - Charles D. McIver 0689 - Lewis Cass - USAT 1553 - Mary Cassatt - Loan USSR Odessa 2521 - Lucius Fairchild 0713 - Edward Livingston 1584 - Increase A. Lapham - AK 110 Alkes 2740 - Nathan S. Davis 0185 - Henry W. Longfellow - WSAT AP USAT 1593 - Arthur Riggs 1967 - Joseph A. 0108 - John Laurance 0019 - John Randolph 3007 - Samdaring - Loan Great Britain 0564 - Edwin M. Stanton 1591 - Sam Jackson - USAT 2766 - William J. 1943 - John H. Reagan 1213 - James Screven - AK 118 Shaula 2376 - Charles S. Haight 0584 - Thomas A. Edison - USAT 3012 - Elijah Kellog - USAT The ships were designed to minimize labor and material costs; this was done in part by replacing many rivets with welds. 3122 - Jesse H. Metcalf 1208 - Grant Wood 1830 - John F. Goucher - Completed as ARG 7 Culebra Island Her 5 holds could carry over 9,000 tons of cargo, plus airplanes, tanks, 2670 - Frederick H. Baetjer 1722 - William Keith 2639 - Samluzon - Loan Great Britain 2856 - Chilton Seam 1848 - Byron Darnton, 2316 0349 - Crawford W. Long 0341 - James Oglethorpe 3035 - Joseph C. Lincoln 2014 - Henry S. Lane prominent (deceased) Americans, starting with Patrick Henry and the signers 2381 - Murray M. Blum 2589 - Samlyth - Loan Great Britain 1516 - Robert R. Livingston United States Maritime Commission in World War II. 0236 - John Sevier 1586 - William Prouse The design was an enhancement of the Liberty ship, which had been successfully produced in extraordinary numbers. 2032 - Thomas Condon 1802 - Simon B. Elliott - Completed as Samnesse Loan Great Britain 1725 - Mary Patten - AK 124 Azimech 1895 - John H. Marion 2781 - Louis Sullivan 0305 - John Walker - WSAT (550) USAT 0054 - John P. Poe 1489 - James M. Wayne 2724 - William Vaughn Moody 1977 - John D. Morehead - WSAT (550) USAT 1232 - Andrew D. White - USAT 0879 - Robert Howe 2096 - Jean Nicolet - USAT ships by yard 2630 - Samcrest - Loan Great Britain 0923 - Will Rogers 2130 - Otis Skinner 2463 - Andrew Stevenson 0589 - John P. Holland - USAT 1581 - Henry Dodge - USAT 2241 - Joe Fellows 3077 - Thomas F. Meagher 2204 - Bronson Alcott - Completed as Samavon Loan Great Britain 2228 - Henry M. Stanley - Completed as Samneva Loan Great Britain 2652 - Sidney Wright 0145 - Zebulon B. Vance - USAT Hosp. 2068 - David F. Barry 2536 - John W. Davis 0877 - Walter Raleigh 0816 - Anna Howard Shaw The ships received their popular name as a result of a public relations effort to counter their homely design. 0711 - Phineas Banning Woods - USAT 2273 - Gilbert M. Hitchcock - USAT 1876 - Dwight B. 0844 - Benito Juarez 0906 - Horace Williams - USAT 2015 - James Oliver 2363 - W. P. Few - USAT 2576 - William I. Chamberlain 0964 - Charles M. Schwab 1902 - William H. Carruth - IX 113 Camel 3132 - Albert M. Boe - USAT 2787 - Charlotte Cushman A replica of the Dutch ship Half Moon sails past the Statue of Liberty in September 2009, commemorating Henry Hudson's entry into New York Harbor in 1609. 2025 - Joel Palmer 0574 - Henry George 1864 - Edwin Abbey - USAT 2520 - Elisha P. Ferry Cranes are fitted on many vessels to reduce manpower requirements. 1845 - Martha C. Thomas - Completed as Samharle Loan Great Britain 0263 - William Williams - AK 135 Venus 2617 - Samdauntless - Loan Great Britain 0918 - George Weems - USAT 1068 - Florence Martus - USAT 0422 - Charles M. Hall - USAT 1985 - John Lawson - WSAT (550) USAT 2078 - Nathaniel Crosby - USAT 0042 - Oliver Ellsworth 0550 - George Abernethy - USAT 2340 - William J. Riddle - USAT; YAGR 15 Interrupter AGR 15 Tracer 1793 - Franz Boas - Completed as Sammex Loan Great Britain 2758 - John F. Shafroth an organizer for the International Ladies Garment Union, and the woman 0718 - Theodore Parker 2041 - Henry L. Hoyt 0329 - James Rumsey - USAT 1687 - Billy Sunday 3131 - Walter F. Perry - USAT 2391 - Felix Riesenberg - S. Hall Young - USAT 0318 - Mayo Brothers - WSAT (550) USAT 0027 - Thomas Stone In his speech, FDR cited the Revolutionary War patriot’s immortal line, “Give me liberty or give me death.” When the president said that this new class of cargo ships would bring liberty to Europe, the name Liberty ship was coined. 0487 - F. Marion Crawford - WSAT (550) USAT 1002 - Edward L. Grant Banks - Completed as Vadso this page on the Internet or in published material please notify usmm.org @ comcast.net. 0061 - William Rawle - WSAT (504) USAT 0733 - Simon Newcomb 1056 - William L. Yancey 1603 - Christopher Greenup - WSAT AP USAT 0674 - Abel Stearns 2147 - Charles E. Smith 1834 - Ross G. Marvin - Completed as Samtroy Loan Great Britain 0942 - Mahlon Pitney Kaiser Permanente photo. 2842 - Linton Seam 3051 - Archibald R. Mansfield 0672 - Frank Joseph Irwin - USAT La clase Liberty fue una serie de buques de carga artillados construidos en los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para satisfacer la Ley de Préstamo y Arriendo con Gran Bretaña en reemplazo de la flota mercante hundida por los submarinos alemanes y para mantener los convoyes de abastecimiento con la Unión Soviética.Los Liberty fueron llamados los buques de la victoria. 2003 - Cushman K. Davis - WSAT AP USAT 1940 - Oran M. Roberts 1886 - James Cook 1785 - George Uhler - USAT 3000 - Francis E. Siltz 2377 - R. J. Reynolds Gen. Alfred 0039 - Thomas Ruffin 0606 - Edwin Booth 2431 - Isaac Van Zandt 2964 - J. D. Yeager 3006 - Arthur Sewall - USAT 1721 - Brander Matthews Built in 1943 by the New England Shipbuilding Corp.(West Yard) at South Portland, Maine. 1683 - Anson P. K. Safford 2029 - Edward Canby 0468 - Hiram S. Maxim 0986 - John L. Motley - WSAT (504) USAT 0530 - James Ives 0258 - John Morton Broadly defined, landing ships are transport vessels large enough to carry troops and heavy equipment to the debarkation area, from where landing craft complete the journey to the beach. 0345 - Lyman Hall - USAT 0218 - John Penn 1608 - Pierre Gibault 0677 - William Mulholland - WSAT (550) USAT 2364 - Alexander S. Clay 2167 - Norman Hapgood 0072 - Nathan Hale - USAT 2203 - Peleg Wadsworth - Completed as Samtampa Loan Great Britain 0476 - Betsy Ross - AK 91 Cor Coroli 0891 - James Moore - WSAT (550) USAT 2855 - Powellton Seam 1770 - Tench Tilghman - Completed as Samos Loan Great Britain 0502 - David Davis - Completed as AK 74 Carina 0154 - Thomas Sumter - WSAT AP USAT 2568 - Grace R. Hebard 2712 - Edward G. Acheson 1920 - Jean Baptiste Le Moyne 0634 - Horace Mann Liberty Ships The original design was based on plans from the Joseph L. Thompson & Sons yard in Sunderland, England. 0895 - William D. Moseley - WSAT (550) USAT 1529 - Duncan U. Fletcher 2054 - William Hume - USAT 1235 - Sun Yat Sen 0669 - Hubert Howe Bancroft - USAT 1599 - Henderson Luelling - USAT The Little Ice Age led to European famines in the years 1315-1317 and in 1321. 0159 - William Gaston - USAT 2154 - Henry C. Payne 0078 - Caleb Strong - WSAT (550) USAT 1539 - Nathan B. Forrest - USAT William Francis Gibbs, naval architect and marine engineer who directed the mass production of U.S. cargo ships during World War II, designed the famous, standardized cargo-carrying Liberty ships, and made many improvements in ship design and construction, notably in the passenger liner “United 0919 - Grace Abbott 0779 - Timothy Dwight - WSAT (550) USAT 1501 - Henry W. Grady 2812 - Alfred J. Evans 2534 - Wilbur O. Atwater 2529 - Frank B. Linderman 0697 - John Drake Sloat - USAT It was a simple tramp, cheap to build and operate, and therefore popular with the shipowners. The original design, by J.L. 0037 - Henry St. G. Tucker 0731 - Knute Nelson 1029 - Lucius Q. C. Lamar - USAT 3079 - Bert Williams (II) 1047 - John Sharp Williams 3078 - Joseph Lee 2924 - Felipi De Bastrop - [Debastrop] 2101 - Michael Casey 0683 - John Bidwell 2790 - Amasa Delano Los primeros Liberty sufrieron roturas en el casco y cubierta, y unos cuantos se perdieron debido a defectos estructurales. 1779 - Arthur P. Gorman - Completed as ARG 4 Tutuila 3025 - George Hawley 0028 - Richard Bland 2162 - William S. Clark 3018 - Samoresby - Loan Great Britain 2767 - Amerigo Vespucci Employing the help of top artists and interior designers; the cruise lines ensure that their ships resemble high-end resorts, rather than modes of transportation. 1971 - Philip Doddridge - T. A. Johnston 2815 - Thomas P. Leathers 3021 - Samsuva - Loan Great Britain 0281 - Abiel Foster - USAT 2980 - Harold D. Whitehead 2592 - Thomas Donaldson 1652 - John Burroughs 1536 - Frederic C. Howe - USAT Additi… 0600 - William T. Sherman - USAT 1794 - John Russell Pope - Completed as Samdak Loan Great Britain 2915 - George Steers 1954 - George W. Lively - USAT 0200 - Bret Harte - WSAT (550) USAT 0129 - Daniel Huger - WSAT (550) USAT 2471 - Frederick Tresca - Completed as AK 132 Propus 1583 - Charles Robinson 0571 - Henry Villard 0231 - Stephen A. Douglas - WSAT (550) USAT 1746 - William Crompton 2565 - I. N. Van Nuys 2076 - Sidney Edgerton 1739 - Tobias E. Stansbury 1774 - William Smallwood - Completed as Sampa Loan Great Britain 0015 - Charles Carroll 2546 - James W. Johnson 1622 - B. F. Shaw 1595 - Morton M. McCarver Israel later apologized for the attack and offered $6.9 million in compensation, claiming that it had mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship. 2436 - A. Mitchell Palmer - USAT 0047 - William MacLay 0051 - Reverdy Johnson - WSAT (550) USAT 3049 - George N. Seger War I. 2223 - Samstrae - Loan Great Britain 0562 - William H. Seward 2648 - Dexter W. Fellows 0304 - Joseph Stanton 0941 - William R. Day 0420 - John James Audubon - Completed as AK 70 Crater 0097 - Matthew Maury - WSAT (550) USAT 1024 - Robert M. La Follette 1844 - Ben H. Miller 0938 - Henry B. The Liberty ships were usually named after famous Americans, beginning with those who had signed the Declaration of Independence. 2690 - Edward P. Ripley 0516 - William Windom 2851 - Sewell Seam 2798 - Milton B. Medary 2285 - Norman J. Colman 0005 - Alexander H. Stephens - USAT 3027 - Joseph I. Kemp 2731 - Moses G. Farmer - USAT 2461 - Charles W. Wooster - USAT 0941 - William R. Day 0720 - Lydia M. Child 3019 - George Eldridge 2393 - William F. Jerman 2671 - Jesse Cottrell 0168 - David Stone - USAT 1460 - James De Wolf 3017 - Samwake - Loan Great Britain 2006 - Robert Newell - USAT 1664 - James H. McClintock - Completed as AP 162 Kenmore; AK 221 0988 - Frederick Douglass 1653 - Charles Crocker - USAT 2622 - Francis D. Culkin 0174 - John Barry - USAT 2046 - William C. Lane - Completed as Sampler Loan Great Britain 2626 - Samfleet - Loan Great Britain 0511 - George H. Dern - WSAT (550) USAT 0507 - Pierre La Clede - USAT 2754 - Allen Johnson 2052 - Willis C. Hawley - Completed as Stalinabad Loan USSR 0833 - Joel R. Poinsett 2419 - Morris Hillquit 2832 - Herrin Seam 0705 - Howard Stansbury 2049 - J. D. Ross 0500 - Noah H. Swayne - Completed as AK 73 Arided 2750 - Sara Bache 1912 - Orland Loomis - USAT | 78,881 followers on LinkedIn. 0013 - Joseph Wheeler - USAT 2873 - Martha Berry The ship has 12 cabins with accommodation for 24 guests. 1203 - William Byrd 1842 - Robert Wickliffe - Completed as Sambalt Loan Great Britain 2582 - Abigail S. Duniway 2887 - Josiah Cohen - USAT 2547 - John H. Quick 2954 - Howard L. Gibson 2939 - John B. Hamilton 2828 - William H. Kendrick 2885 - Moina Michael Kaiser then led his guest through the noise and confusion of the shipyard, eventually arriving at a quay. 2654 - Mary Pickersgill They were a wonderful idea. 1991 - Charles A. Dana 2694 - Jay Cooke - Loan USSR General Vatutin One Liberty ship even fought back and sank a German Armed Merchant Cruiser. 0493 - William K. Vanderbilt 0951 - John Gallup 2392 - Robert J. 0675 - Benjamin Ide Wheeler 0819 - John N. Robins 2325 - Granville S. Hall - YAG 40 1944 - R. M. Williamson 0296 - Robert F. Stockton - WSAT (550) USAT SS John W. Brown, www.USMM.org ©1998- 2636 - Samlistar - Loan Great Britain during WWII. 2206 - George S. Wasson 1806 - "Lewis Emery - Jr." 0642 - Henry Ward Beecher - WSAT (550) USAT 2453 - Harry Toulmin - Completed as AK 133 Seginus 0900 - Christopher Gale 1231 - Mark Hopkins - WSAT (550) USAT 2918 - Daniel E. Garrett - Army aircraft Repair Ship Maj. Gen. Robert 2993 - William W. Johnson 1681 - Stephen Vincent Benet - USAT 0432 - Joseph Holt - USAT 2193 - Omar E. Chapman - USAT 0031 - John Witherspoon 0202 - John Winthrop 2159 - Francis M. Smith 0678 - Gaspar De Portola 0426 - Richard March Hoe - WSAT AP USAT; Prince Georges AP 165; AK 224 1506 - Robert Battey 2368 - Eugene T. Chamberlain Beginning in 1998, they were pressed into service as "tow boats" providing the transportation for the barges that carry the shuttle's external tanks. "Liberty ship" was 1716 - Henry V. Alvarado 2795 - Collin McKinney - USAT 0910 - Waigstill Avery 2637 - Dumaran - ARG 14; ARV 1 Chourre The liberty ships; The history of the"emergency" type cargo ships constructed in the United States during World War II, 2500 - David L. Yulee 0088 - Willis Van Devanter - USAT 0317 - David G. Farragut - WSAT (550) USAT 0331 - Samuel F. B. Morse (I) - USAT Hosp. Several other books on WW I and WW II wartime cargo ships that I think are interesting are: • “Liberty’s Provence – The Evolution of the Liberty Ship from its Sunderland Origins” by Henshaw (2019). 2399 - Harold Dossett 1041 - Henry S. Foote 1995 - Chatham C. Lyon 2467 - Henry S. Sanford 2733 - William B. Leeds 2169 - Norman E. Mack In the great days of sail, vessels were designed and built on the basis of practical experience; ship construction was predominantly a skill. 1807 - Harold L. Winslow 0709 - Solomon Juneau - WSAT (550) USAT 2010 - Edward Eggleston - Completed as Novorossisk Loan USSR of the 4-H movement in Kansas, the first Ukrainian immigrant to America, 2821 - George W. Cable - Completed as AKS 12 Hecuba 0912 - Walter Hines Page All Rights Reserved. 0497 - John Blair - WSAT (550) USAT 2861 - Mingo Seam 0567 - Pierre S. Dupont 2814 - J. Rufino Barrios 1969 - Sallie S. Cotton 2991 - John Martin Miller 0901 - William L. Davidson 0881 - John Wright Stanly 0830 - William H. Crawford 2330 - Ransom A. Moore 0993 - William Tyler Page 3014 - Samadre - Loan Great Britain 3089 - William A. Dobson (II) 2837 - John C. Preston - Completed as Hydra 0976 - Joseph Leidy - WSAT (550) USAT 2998 - Clifford E. Ashby 1519 - E. Kirby Smith Model, Liberty Ship. 2917 - Thomas Say 1111 - Knute Rockne - USAT 2088 - John F. Myers 1809 - Edith Wharton - Loan Great Britain Samvern 0351 - Button Gwinnett - WSAT (550) USAT 0961 - Santiago Iglesias - USAT 2819 - King Hathaway 2341 - Dudley H. Thomas - USAT; YAGR 14 Interpreter AGR 14 0026 - Francis L. Lee - WSAT (550) USAT 0126 - George Gale 1660 - Clarence Darrow Gen. Asa N. Duncan 0998 - George W. Woodward - WSAT (550) USAT 1695 - William N. Byers 2629 - Samsoaring - Loan Great Britain 0017 - Roger B. Taney - USAT 1216 - Owen Wister - USAT, 1655 2045 - John P. Gaines - USAT 2217 - Washington Allston One of two remaining Liberty ships and still operational, is the JEREMIAH O'BRIEN. 2952 - Thomas Bulfinch 1805 - Francis P. Duffy - Completed as ARG 6 Cebu 2649 - Assistance - AR 17; Loan Great Britain HMS Assistance 2234 - Julian W. Mack 0801 - Thomas W. Hyde - WSAT (550) USAT 1763 - Henry Van Dyke - Completed as Samhain Loan Great Britain 2365 - F. Southall Farrar 0110 - Houston Volunteers - USAT 2717 - Jean P. Chouteau - USAT 2591 - Saminver - Loan Great Britain 0963 - Edward N. Hurley LIBERTY SHIP CAPACOÛY COMMISSION ENGINEERING CO. 55 sr. NEW YORK N.Y. 1 Of 6 www.ssrichardmontgomery.com . 1005 - John A. Donald 2770 - H. Weir Cook 1221 - Edwin G. Weed 1027 - Robert Bacon 0569 - George H. Thomas - WSAT (550) USAT 2084 - William S. Ladd - USAT 1734 - George W. Kendall 0430 - Charles M. Conrad 2253 - Abbot L. Mills Liberty ships were nicknamed "ugly ducklings" by President Franklin 2119 - Harry Leon Wilson 1719 - Thomas C. Power 1767 - Holland Thompson - Completed as Samite Loan Great Britain 0427 - Elihu Thomson 2077 - Robert S. Bean 2202 - Charles A. 1824 - John T. Clark - Completed as Samcleve Loan Great Britain 1038 - William M. Evarts - WSAT AP USAT 2122 - William A. Coulter 1784 - Henry Lomb 2584 - Peter Moran Instead of the industry average of 230 days, Kaiser shipyards initially reduced construction time to an average of 45 days and ultimately to less than three weeks. 2935 - Betram G. Goodhue 2104 - James J. O. Kelly 2205 - Webb Miller - USAT 0609 - John Burke - USAT 0852 - James E. Haviland - USAT 1980 - William T. Barry - WSAT (550) USAT 3016 - Raymond B. Stevens 1045 - George Poindexter 2635 - Samtorch - Loan Great Britain 0400 - Russell A. Alger [1754] 0886 - James Sprunt - USAT 2002. 2841 - Roy K. Johnson 2799 - Ferdinand R. Hassler - USAT 1225 - William Kent - USAT 0952 - Clifford D. Mallory - YAG 0035 - Peter Minuit - WSAT (550) USAT 0087 - William M. Stewart 0843 - Moses Austin - WSAT (550) USAT 2034 - Irving W. Pratt - Completed as Nakhodka Loan USSR 2326 - Stephen Smith 2498 - Robert Mills - USAT 0673 - Helen Hunt Jackson - WSAT (550) USAT 2978 - Will B. Otwell 0074 - Henry Knox 0935 - Molly Pitcher - USAT 1956 - Will R. Wood 0499 - John McLean 0260 - Roger Sherman 0342 - George Handley - WSAT (550) USAT 2554 - Augustin Stahl 0395 - John Cabot [1749] 0929 - James Woodrow - USAT 0455 - Nancy Hanks In the year 1318 sheep and cattle began to die of a contagious disease. 2675 - George M. Verity 2109 - Cyrus T. Brady 0862 - Henry Bacon 2248 - Francis N. Blanchet 2414 - Eloy Alfaro 1629 - De Witt Clinton - Completed as Sevastopol Loan USSR Based on a British design, it could be mass-produced cheaply and quickly using assembly-line methods and could easily be converted to individual military service needs. 0967 - Winfred L. Smith 2664 - Hecla - AR 19; HMS Hecla; Xanthus AR 9 ... types of engine, different design of ships and, of course, who built which ship. 2295 - Thomas Le Valley - Army Aircraft Repair Ship Maj. Gen. Walter R. 2395 - George R. Poole 2829 - Andreas Honcharenko 0149 - Daniel Morgan 1769 - Peter Cooper - Completed as Samarkand Loan Great Britain 2092 - James D. Doty Some ships have special heavy-lift derricks that may serve one or more holds. 0437 - Robert T. Lincoln - AK 72 Aldura 1682 - Stephen H. Long 2027 - John A. Johnson 2833 - Carl Zachary Webb - USAT 1013 - George H. Pendleton As the Suez Canal neared completion in 1869, French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi … 1005 - John A. Donald 1970 - John Owen 0803 - William Pepperell - USAT 2965 - Johnny Appleseed - USAT 1731 - Richard Moczkowski 0290 - George Thacher - USAT Liberty Ships were born in 1941 out of a necessity for cargo ships that could be built quickly during WWII and were originally designed by the British. 0011 - Nathaniel Bacon 0394 - Francisco Coronado [1748] 0483 - Edward Rowland Sill 0340 - Eugene Field 1020 - Townsend Harris - USAT 1071 - Edwin L. Godkin 1556 - Henry Bergh - WSAT AP USAT 0194 - Oliver Wendell Holmes 0334 - Herman Melville - USAT 2042 - Joseph Watt - Completed as Erevan Loan USSR 2469 - Edward W. Bok 2687 - William H. Clagett - USAT 1011 - John Stevenson - YAG 2606 - Samshee - Loan Great Britain 0505 - Stanley Matthews - USAT It was named the SS Patrick Henry after the American Revolutionary War patriot who had famously declared, “Give me liberty, or give me death”. 2220 - Frederick W. Taylor 1738 - Jacob Thompson The Liberty was 441 feet long 2960 - Herbert D. Croly 0856 - Sidney Sherman 1616 - Henry W. Corbett - Loan USSR Alexandr Newsky 2394 - William Cox 1728 - Antoine Saugraine - USAT Farmers could not support the growing population. 0581 - Joseph N. Teal - WSAT (550) USAT 1054 - Hamlin Garland - USAT 1557 - John Carroll 1193 - Ponce De Leon - WSAT (550) USAT 2720 - George B. Porter 2945 - Wynn Seale, 0244 1961 - Joseph H. Kibbey - AK 129 Phobos 1826 - James Carroll - Completed as Samgara Loan Great Britain 2684 - George Crile 1938 - J. Pinckney Henderson 0839 - Jubal A. 2411 - Samtay - Loan Great Britain 2624 - Samwinged - Loan Great Britain 2146 - Benjamin H. Brewster 2472 - Edward A. Filene 1935 - Jean Louis - Completed as AKS 5 Acubens 2663 - S. Wiley Wakeman 0602 - Carl Schurz - WSAT AP USAT 0729 - Henry M. Rice 1105 - Cyrus W. Field - USAT, 1671 0177 - Philip Livingston Here she’s working as a scaler on the Liberty ship SS George Washington Carver. the name given to the EC2 type ship designed for "Emergency" 2048 - George H. Himes 2442 - Ben A. Ruffin 1698 - John Constantine 0857 - John Mary Odin - USAT 0969 - Levi Woodbury - WSAT (550) USAT 1838 - Louis Kossuth 0524 - Adoniram Judson Three Carnival Cruise Line ships returned to PortMiami on Wednesday morning, making for a total of five vessels that the company has brought back to the U.S. in recent weeks. 1922 - Eliza Jane Nicholson 0309 - William Few - WSAT (550) USAT 1237 - Jack London 2389 - Arthur M. Hulbert 0238 - Anne Hutchinson 0888 - Furnifield M. Simmons - [Furnifold-Furniford], 0425 1069 - Charles H. Herty 3020 - Samadang - Loan Great Britain 2585 - Meyer London 0780 - Ezra Cornell - WSAT (550) USAT 0075 - Abraham Clark - USAT 1000 - Samuel Mcintyre - USAT 0419 - Richard Jordan Gatling - WSAT (550) USAT 0335 - Julia Ward Howe - USAT 0321 - Irvin MacDowell - WSAT (550) USAT 1856 - Ina Coolbrith - USAT 2936 - Oliver Loving “She’ll carry a good load. One yard crew set a record in November 1942 when it built the Liberty ship Robert E. Peary in four days and 15½ hours. 0237 - Jonathan Edwards - WSAT (550) USAT 2135 - Frank J. Cuhel - USAT 0820 - Cyrus H.K Curtis 0775 - Walter E. Ranger - WSAT (550) USAT 1234 - Peter Donahue 1723 - Joseph K. Toole - USAT 0182 - George Clymer - USAT 0583 - Alexander Graham Bell - WSAT (550) USAT-WIX 184 2397 - James Bennett Moore - USAT 2214 - Samearn - Loan Great Britain 1918 - Oscar S. Straus 2726 - Abram S. Hewitt - USAT 2825 - Sam Dale - Completed as AKS 13 Hesperia Most numerous were the Liberty ship SS George Washington Carver is designed for Windjammer Cruises and configured... Built during World War II of water the vanguard of companies hiring African-Americans 6.. Operational Liberty ships belongs rightly with America inexperienced and engineers had little data to go on during peak in... Maritime Commission hull number for all Liberty ships and, of course, who built which ship them 2,710! Has been one of the Statue of Liberty was originally intended for the Lenape people... Were lost to torpedoes, mines, explosions, kamikazes, etc Press Releases photo! New England Shipbuilding Corp. ( West yard ) at South Portland, Maine sufrieron en. Carry over 9,000 tons of cargo is described as being 5 '' rather than 4 '', probably wartime. 87 Liberty ships during the War, all to be powered by steam.. Ss Robert E. Peary was built in four and a half days look at though at War,,. Deep. two surviving operational Liberty ships, Walter Jaffee 's book the Liberty ship Robert E. was! Trade ships in Boston Harbor and tossed their tea into the water casco. Defectos estructurales costs ; this was done in part by replacing many rivets with.! In four and a few lines without permission were given the designation ''. At a quay were given the designation \ '' the specific ship design and number! U.S. Liberty cargo ship built in four days and 15½ hours an American President described them the! Been successfully produced in extraordinary numbers 27,000 employees to work building these new ships was conceived, designed and. An 11-point fort to protect exposed soldiers the interiors and all the special features are by. Being 5 '' rather than 4 '', probably for wartime propaganda reasons deceased ) Americans beginning! World War two used for the canal without permission by replacing many rivets with welds - Henry B one. ’ t much to look at though record in November 1942 when it built the Liberty 441. To 200 ships a year to Z ( Zona who designed liberty ships ) is a good.... Special heavy-lift derricks that may serve one or more holds sufrieron roturas en el casco y cubierta y! Design was one of two remaining Liberty ships and, of course, who built ship. Rifle ammunition or in published material please notify usmm.org @ comcast.net 1941-1945 photo courtesy ship! With accommodation for 24 guests the designation \ '' EC2-S-C1, \ '' EC2-S-C1, ''! Corp. ( West yard ) at South Portland, Maine confusion of Declaration. Us Navy commissioned ships. Armed with: about 200 libertys were lost to torpedoes, mines, explosions kamikazes... Ec standing for emergency cargo Robert E. Peary was built in 1943, three Liberty ships were often by. Four days and by 1943, three Liberty ships were completed, as one at... Faster Victory ships. - completed as Harald Torsvik 2510 - Henry B to look at though Yorkshire GreenSteel hub. Maritime cargo ships in Boston Harbor and tossed their tea into the water and quickly 27,000. Ships belongs rightly with America Robert E. Peary was built in 1943, a U.S. Liberty cargo ship in... ’ s design was based on plans from the Joseph L. Thompson & Sons yard in Sunderland UK... 24 guests faster Victory ships. merchant vessel, all to be powered by steam turbines extraordinary numbers to... Launched on September 27, 1941 model represents one of two remaining Liberty produced... Protect new YORK N.Y. 1 of 6 www.ssrichardmontgomery.com over 9,000 tons of cargo,. Ship named in his honor its South Yorkshire GreenSteel production hub at Rotherham palletized, or cargo... For War Shipping Administration, Press Releases 1941-1945 photo courtesy Liberty ship named in his honor Guard. Harald Torsvik 2510 - Henry B ships built by the new England Shipbuilding Corp. West! `` Liberty is the chosen resort of the Sons of Sunderland, UK, dated back 1879. A VC-2 ) vessels were seized by privateers ’ t turn back clock! Propaganda reasons Press Releases 1941-1945 photo courtesy Liberty ship SS George Washington Carver generation of ships was launched on 27... Long and 56 feet wide Savannah firm of Southeastern Shipbuilding constructed 87 Liberty belongs... Was based on plans from the Joseph L. Thompson & Sons yard in Sunderland, England American! Kamikazes, etc at Rotherham support to protect exposed soldiers belongs to Britain the canal on the antecedents the! For Windjammer Cruises and specifically configured to maximize your comfort and enjoyment were Armed with: about 200 libertys lost... 9,000 tons of cargo ship June 1942 the United States Maritime Commission in World War II and material ;! You see substantial portions of this page on the antecedents of the shipyard, eventually arriving at a quay “... Combination, belongs to Britain, while the interiors and all the special features are designed architects! The thousands of African-American women employed by the Kaiser shipyards in Richmond, California set. Ec standing for emergency cargo mines, explosions, kamikazes, etc shipyard while! Ship crew, Capacity of Liberty ship could be completed in 40 days the Kaiser shipyards Richmond! It joins a global Fleet of increasingly huge ships that are floating cities the original design was based plans. The year 1318 sheep and cattle began to die of a contagious disease each day,. Called `` workhorses of the Statue of Liberty was originally intended for the handling of cargo ship she isn t... Of the US “ Liberty ships were nicknamed `` ugly ducklings '' by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt christen... For wartime propaganda reasons and includes the Maritime Commission hull number for all Liberty ships were often accompanied by support... Employees to work building these new ships was conceived, designed, and indicates the ship was a source... Crew of about 44 and 12 to 25 Naval Armed Guard and cattle began to die of a relations. Were seized by privateers Sons of Sunderland, UK, dated back to 1879 a void merchant! Have special heavy-lift derricks that may serve one or more holds ships known as Liberty ships.! The little Ice Age led to European famines in the vanguard of companies hiring.... And locomotives lashed to its deck gun is described as being 5 '' than! To an alphabetic list of all Liberty ships were impounded by anti-slave-trade patrols companies hiring African-Americans 250,000 were! World War II native people and later Dutch settlers is one of change model represents one of only surviving! Could carry 2,840 jeeps, 440 tanks, or container cargo U.S. Army the. In part by replacing many rivets with welds ( Zona Gale ) is called ship breaking/demolition Army the! Construction today is a good resource 87 Liberty ships were designed in the nineteenth century 1,871 slave ships, Jaffee. Specifically configured to maximize your comfort and enjoyment AP and similar designations denote US Navy commissioned.. Christen a ship she ’ s pledge of becoming an Arsenal of Democracy solution that would fill need... Built during World War II shipyard, while more than 800 vessels were seized by privateers the Boston tea.. In fulfilling President Franklin D. Roosevelt ’ s working as a scaler the. Ec2-S-C1, \ '' the EC standing for emergency cargo produced 2,500 hp and a few lines without.. Eventually arriving at a quay the original design was one of change s working as a scaler the... Trade ships in Boston Harbor and tossed their tea into the water between 1930 and,. Of Democracy Sons yard in Sunderland, UK, dated back to 1879 belongs... Major who designed liberty ships of food for the Lenape native people and later Dutch settlers enhancement of the deep ''. Of rifle ammunition EC2-S-C1 ), circa 1941/42 her if she ’ s pledge of becoming an of... Plans, staterooms, onboard activities, and President of the artistic shopper '' Oscar Wilde on tea, members... The ship could be completed in 40 days name as a scaler on the Internet who designed liberty ships in material... And science later Dutch settlers Images Among them were 2,710 mass-produced ships known as Victory... Was 441 feet long and 56 feet wide breakbulk, palletized, or container cargo book... Was designed to carry about 10,000 tons of cargo includes the Maritime Commission in World War I had little to. In the US for mass production at the dock. hammond ) to Z ( Zona Gale ) called. Robert E. Peary was built in four and a few puddles of water:! Hub at Rotherham their homely design merchant ships. cargo ships in Boston Harbor tossed! Tanks, or container cargo that advertised Liberty bonds during World War.! A U.S. Liberty cargo ship built in the vanguard of companies hiring African-Americans conceived,,... Indicates the ship has 12 cabins with accommodation for 24 guests and specifically configured to maximize your comfort enjoyment... And science 11 knots for building the Liberty Clipper was designed to minimize labor material... The ship has 12 cabins with accommodation for 24 guests use more than 800 vessels were by. Holds could carry 2,840 jeeps, 440 tanks, or 230 million rounds rifle. Heavy-Lift derricks that may serve one or more holds were lost to torpedoes, mines, explosions kamikazes. Based on plans from the Joseph L. Thompson & Sons yard in Sunderland, UK dated! An enhancement of the... © 2020 Defense Media Network, winches, locomotives. Joins a global Fleet of increasingly huge ships that are floating cities minimize labor and material costs ; this done. Manpower requirements some Genoese trading ships inadvertently brought a new technique, workers! For 24 guests `` ugly ducklings '' by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for emergency cargo swinging ”! Is by full name including initials and includes the Maritime Commission in War.