Invest New Drugs 1984;2(3):305-309. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. Ren Fail. Cancer Treat Rep 1981;65:119-20.. View abstract. Some people promote it as a treatment for HIV and AIDS, cancer, and other conditions. J Vet.Med.Sci. Jao, S. W., Lee, W., and Ho, Y. S. Effect of germanium on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced intestinal cancer in rats. Germanium traces were separated by co-precipitation with Fe(OH) 3 [5]. Becker BN. Human studies also suggest it’s not suitable for treating cancer. Partition coefficients of germanomolybdate were studied on a Sephadex LH-20 column [17]. Organic germanium is a man-made blend of germanium, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. How Germanium Benefits Your Health As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. Phase II study of spirogermanium in advanced ovarian malignancy. Here are 8 proven benefits of ginseng. Accessed Jan. 7, 2019. Here are 11 ways that garlic can improve your health, supported by science. Luck, B. E., Mann, H., Melzer, H., Dunemann, L., and Begerow, J. Renal and other organ failure caused by germanium intoxication. For centuries, ginseng has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s important to do your homework before taking supplements. 6-22-1991;135(25):1134-1137. The girl said she was instructed to drink and bathe in the waters. Germanium supplements, made from both organic and inorganic germanium, have been marketed as an alternative medicine capable of treating leukemia and lung cancer. Hepatitis B. Toxicology 1999;132:147-53.. View abstract. View abstract. Learn more about the causes, treatments, and natural…. Cancer Treat Rep 1980;64:1051-6.. View abstract. I have been taking a nutritional (low) dose of organic Germanium since I first encountered this work and I have felt that this substance has enhanced my energy level. But other uses of the element are now more important. Some people promote it as a treatment for … Hazard assessment of germanium supplements. View abstract. Common names include germanium-132 (Ge-132) and germanium sesquioxide. 9 Healthy Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, What to Do for Concussion Care and Recovery, Making a Left Turn While Talking on the Phone? Other uses include heavy metal poisoning, including mercury and cadmium poisoning; depression; cancer; food allergies; and yeast and viral infections. There have been claims that germanium may be beneficial for health, including improving the immune system, oxygen supply in the body, and destroying free radicals. Some people use germanium for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , pain, weak bones (osteoporosis), low energy, and AIDS. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using. Schweiz.Med.Wochenschr. View abstract. Deficiency Symptoms. Some say that the high germanium content of the water may have something to do with it. Since then, more than 7,000 cures have been attributed to Lourdes. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body's ions (bioelectricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. Learn more here. Excess Symptoms. It did not become economically significant until after 1945, when its properties as a … Where did you or where do you plan to purchase this product? Long, Q. C., Zeng, G. X., and Zhao, X. L. Pharmacokinetics of germanium after po beta-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide in 24 Chinese volunteers. Kaplan, B. J., Parish, W. W., Andrus, G. M., Simpson, J. S., and Field, C. J. Germane facts about germanium sesquioxide: I. Chemistry and anticancer properties. Thereafter, numerous reports showed that such supplements present a … Kinetics of germanium dioxide in rats. [Note: Shipped as a compressed gas.] View abstract. Germanium can also cause serious side effects, including potentially life-threatening kidney damage. Higuchi I, Izumo S, Kuriyama M, et al. Aloe vera isn’t just effective at soothing sunburns. Atomic number 32, Bis-Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide, Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide, Ge, Ge-132, Ge-Oxy 132, Germanio, Germanium-132, Germanium Inorganique, Germanium Lactate Citrate, Germanium Sesquioxide, Inorganic Germanium, Numéro Atomique 32, Organic Germanium, Propagermanium, Sesquioxyde de Germanium, Spirogermanium. Schauss AG. View abstract. Tao SH, Bolger PM. But germanium has been linked to serious side effects, including the risk of kidney damage and death. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Chest 2000;117:591-3.. View abstract. 1-8-1992;122(1-2):11-13. Geranium essential oil has been used to treat health conditions for centuries. Understood to draw on the power of magnetism, the germanium health bracelet is considered to be a means of alleviating a number of bodily aches and pains. Due to these risks, most doctors recommend avoiding supplements that contain it. Kidney Int 2000;57:2275-84.. View abstract. If you prefer a more natural approach to managing arthritis pain, plenty of herbal remedies are available. Its juice also has many health benefits. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. certain synthetic salts of germanium are toxic and have shown to have damaging effects on kidneys. Uncontrolled Blood Sugar: How Dangerous Is It? Germanium, a chemical element between silicon and tin in Group 14 (IVa) of the periodic table, a silvery-gray metalloid, intermediate in properties between the metals and the nonmetals. Kleinrok, Z., Lekim, D., and Jagiello-Wojtowicz, E. Central action of sanumgerman administered orally in mice. View abstract. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter. Yes it does, if you're the type of person who benefits from the placebo effect. Mainwaring MG, Poor C, Zander DS, Harman E. Complete remission of pulmonary spindle cell carcinoma after treatment with oral germanium sesquioxide. Schein PS, Slavik M, Smythe T, et al. The chemical symbol for Germanium is Ge. Mrema, J. E., Slavik, M., and Davis, J. Spirogermanium: a new drug with antimalarial activity against chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. The versatility of organic Germanium's therapeutic effects, and its virtual non-toxicity, make it a highly attractive substance to anyone interested in attaining and maintaining good health. Phase I clinical trial of spirogermanium. Germanium was considered by some as an elixir in the 1970s and ’80s for diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Fujimoto, M., Ishibashi, H., Shimamura, R., Takahashi, K., Hirata, Y., Kudo, J., Niho, Y., Kira, J., and Miyata, K. [A patient with liver cirrhosis manifesting various symptoms including cerebellar ataxia due to germanium intoxication]. The banned list includes but is not restricted to: Germanium can cause toxic side effects. Zhongguo Yao Li Xue.Bao. In this lesson you'll learn about many uses for the element germanium. It should be noted that no organs were tested for germanium levels to confirm accumulation did not occur. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Lesson Summary. If you suspect you have a concussion, here are things you can do in the hours and days following the injury that can help. Nakada, Y., Kosaka, T., Kuwabara, M., Tanaka, S., Sato, K., and Koide, F. Effects of 2-carboxythylgerumanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) as an immunological modifier of post-surgical immunosuppression in dogs. How to Treat and Prevent Tight Hamstrings. Trope C, Mattsson W, Gynning I, et al. You can buy natural germanium supplements at your local health food store or online. Researchers are still looking into the benefits of germanium although there are no investigational new drug applications on file with the FDA for at this time. At the present time, the term Ge-132 is used interchangeably with the name organic germanium to indicate the compound bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide . Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Organic Germanium (Germanium sesquioxide) and Germanium lactate citrate are fairly safe but Germanium dioxide can cause permanent kidneydamage. 1986;236(1):103-110. Germanium myopathy: clinical and experimental pathological studies. Aside for its uses in detector application, germanium is also beneficial in X-ray spectrometers. View abstract. 1993;55(5):795-799. Nephron 1992;60:436-42.. View abstract. Aloe vera juice helps with liver function, heartburn…. View abstract. Van der Spoel, J. I., Stricker, B. H., Schipper, M. E., de Bruijn, W., de Smet, P. A., and Esseveld, M. R. [Toxic damage of kidney, liver and muscle attributed to the administration of germanium-lactate-citrate]. Germanium is a chemical element with atomic number 32 which means there are 32 protons and 32 electrons in the atomic structure. Germanium ores are rare. Therefore, the use of dietary supplements containing inorganic or organic germanium to promote health or to inhibit the progress of cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) became popular in the 1970s. Phase II study of N-methylformamide, spirogermanium, and 4-demethoxydaunorubicin in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (EST 3583): an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study. On April 23, 2019 the Food and Drug Administration updated their ban on the import of all germanium-containing products that are promoted as drugs or dietary supplements for human consumption. Ettinger DS, Finkelstein DM, Donehower RC, et al. Budman DR, Schulman P, Vinciguerra V, Degnan TJ. A high intake of germanium was supposed to improve the immune system, bost the body's oxygen supply, make a person feel more alive and destroy damaging free radicals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 1997;25:211-9. Nephrotoxicity of germanium compounds: report of a case and review of the literature. View abstract. Woolley, P. V., Ahlgren, J. D., Byrne, P. J., Priego, V. M., and Schein, P. S. A Phase I trial of spirogermanium administered on a continuous infusion schedule. Germanium-induced nephropathy: report of two cases and review of the literature. 2004;10(2):337-344. Some people use germanium for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , pain, weak bones (osteoporosis), low energy, and AIDS. Phase I trial of spirogermanium given by infusion in a multiple-dose schedule. Remember: The FDA does not regulate supplements for safety or effectiveness. View abstract. Hirayama, C., Suzuki, H., Ito, M., Okumura, M., and Oda, T. Propagermanium: a nonspecific immune modulator for chronic hepatitis B. J Gastroenterol. According to The Centre For Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, germanium products pose potential harm to human health . Dis.Colon Rectum 1990;33(2):99-104. View abstract. View abstract. Yang MK, Kim YG. Germanium is also used for increasing circulation of blood to the brain, supporting the immune system, and as an antioxidant. Last medically reviewed on October 8, 2019. Biol Pharm Bull. What factors influenced or will influence your purchase? There is, however, no medical evidence of benefit; some evidence suggests that such supplements are actively harmful. Germanium and most of its natural compound are non-toxic as they are insoluble in water. Source: License: CC BY 3.0. Lin CH, Chen TJ, Hsieh YL, et al. 1991;30(1):67-72. 2018;41(5):749-753. J.Altern.Complement Med. View abstract. Nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity in humans from organogermanium compounds and germanium dioxide. Until they identify the active ingredients and develop a form of germanium that’s proven safe to take, the risks probably outweigh the benefits. Nephron. Early research suggests that taking a specific product (Serocion, Yamanouchi, Japan) containing propagermanium by mouth for 16 weeks reduces the amount of active hepatitis virus in people with hepatitis B. Asaka T, Nitta E, Makifuchi T, et al. Hazard assessment of germanium supplements. Germanium as Semiconductor 12 grams polycrystalline germanium. Other uses include heavy metal poisoning, including mercury and cadmium poisoning; depression; cancer; food allergies; and yeast and viral infections. Jpn.J.Med. Researchers are interested in spirogermanium, a form of germanium, as an alternative treatment for various kinds of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer. Med Hypotheses 1988;26:207-15.. View abstract. 1999;14(10):2464-2468. View abstract. View abstract. This still accounts for about 15 percent of the germanium produced. Gerber GB, Leonard A. Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of germanium compounds. View abstract. 2004;73(6):397-401. In some cases, germanium can even cause chronic kidney failure and death. Vogelzang NJ, Gesme DH, Kennedy BJ. In 1969, Dr. Asai founded the Asai “ Germanium Research Institute”. Uses. Germanium has been retained on silica gel impregnated with bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid [16]. It’s usually sold under the names germanium dioxide and germanium-lactate-citrate. Miracles are said to spring from waters of the grotto in Lourdes, France. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for germanium. In 1858, a young girl claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary had visited her several times at the grotto. ... but doctors don't recommend that because taking too much of it can cause many health problems. It is also used in thermal imaging applications for military and fire fighting use. Wada T, Hanyu T, Nozaki K, et al. 2002;64(8):719-721. Biotherapy 1991;3(3):273-279. Mutat Res 1997;387:141-6.. View abstract. The chemical name for this organic-germanium compound is bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide. Germanium is not a biologically significant element and have no role in the bodies of plants or animals. Sanai T, Okuda S, Onoyama K, et al. Some scientists think that germanium might decrease how well furosemide (Lasix) works. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A 2012 study examined changes in rat fecal bacteria and found no correlation that Ge-132 accumulated in rat bodies by weighing the body organs. View abstract. One organic rancher in Nebraska has started using germanium in animal feed. We’ll spotlight nine of them for you. No To Shinkei 1990;42(9):851-856. Takeuchi A, Yoshizawa N, Oshima S, et al. View abstract. There are no indications for the use of supplemental Germanium. JAMA 1996;276:606-7. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version.© Therapeutic Research Faculty . View abstract. Med Pediatr Oncol 1989;17:197-201.. View abstract. Germanium dioxide-induced nephropathy: a new type of renal disease. Germanium might act against inflammation. Did you or will you purchase this product in-store or online? But there isn't enough information to know if this is a big concern. Germanium has been used to treat depression, arthritis, vision problems, elevated blood pressure, heavy metal poisoning, and cancer. Uses Germanium first became important for its use in semiconductors. It is also used in the core of optical fiber cables. Germanium dioxide lacks a germanium carbon bond and is consequently classified as inorganic. Renal and other organ failure caused by germanium intoxication. Krapf R, Schaffner T, Iten PX. For example, it can damage your liver and nerves. Clin Nephrol 1988;30:341-5.. View abstract. Large doses may injure the kidneys, liver, muscles, nerves, and brain. Antioxidant activity of Ge-132, a synthetic organic germanium, on cultured mammalian cells. (check all that apply), What factors are most important to you? Nevertheless, Dr. Asai succeeded in developing a formula for producing an organic germanium, Ge-132, that was chemically identical to the form he had extracted from plants. Germanium is an important semiconductor, mainly used in transistors and integrated circuits. Nephron 1992;62:351-6.. View abstract. Schauss, A. G. Nephrotoxicity in humans by the ultratrace element germanium. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images. Before taking any mineral supplements it is essential to cons… CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: However, it is not an essential nutrient for human health. However, more research is needed. Am J Kidney Dis 1993;21:548-52.. View abstract. Biol Trace Elem Res 2000;77:193-7.. View abstract. Tsutsumi, Y., Tanaka, J., Kanamori, H., Musashi, M., Minami, H., Fukushima, A., Yamato, H., Ehira, N., Kawamura, T., Obara, S., Ogura, N., Asaka, M., Imamura, M., and Masauzi, N. Effectiveness of propagermanium treatment in multiple myeloma patients. J Toxicol Environ Health A 1999;58:289-97.. View abstract. According to Healthline, germanium has also been considered to be beneficial in treating allergies, asthma, arthritis, HIV/AIDS and various forms of cancer. This material has ability to detect phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur elements. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Iijima, M., Mugishima, M., Takeuchi, M., Uchiyama, S., Kobayashi, I., and Maruyama, S. [A case of inorganic germanium poisoning with peripheral and cranial neuropathy, myopathy and autonomic dysfunction]. What Causes Dark Knuckles and How Can You Treat Them? Kuwabara, M., Ohba, S., and Yukawa, M. Effect of germanium, poly-trans-[2-carboxyethyl] germasesquioxane on natural killer (NK) activity in dogs. From Wisegeek: > The concept behind germanium health bracelets is to restore a balance to the magnetic field around the individual. 1988;39(4):244-253. Goodman S. Therapeutic effects of organic germanium. Kumano, N., Ishikawa, T., Koinumaru, S., Kikumoto, T., Suzuki, S., Nakai, Y., and Konno, K. Antitumor effect of the organogermanium compound Ge-132 on the Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) in C57BL/6 (B6) mice. J Vet.Med.Sci. All rights reserved. Kamijo, M., Yagihashi, S., Kida, K., Narita, S., and Nakata, F. [An autopsy case of chronic germanium intoxication presenting peripheral neuropathy, spinal ataxia, and chronic renal failure]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku 1991;31(2):191-196. J Pharmacol Exp.Ther. Nephrol.Dial.Transplant. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. It is a hard, grayish-white element; it has a metallic luster and the same crystal structure as diamond; and it is brittle, like glass.In addition, it is important to note that germanium is a semiconductor, with electrical properties between those of a metal and an insulator. DiMartino, M. J., Lee, J. C., Badger, A. M., Muirhead, K. A., Mirabelli, C. K., and Hanna, N. Antiarthritic and immunoregulatory activity of spirogermanium. Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C. Quiz: What Do You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Germanium is een scheikundig element met als symbool Ge en atoomnummer 32. 1996;17(5):415-418. Germanium is a chemical element that can be found in trace amounts in some ores and carbon-based materials. Germanium is a hard, grayish-white element that has a metallic luster and the same crystal structure as diamond. Abuse of germanium associated with fatal lactic acidosis. Element Germanium (Ge), Group 14, Atomic Number 32, p-block, Mass 72.630. 1985;146(1):97-104. View abstract. Int.J Clin.Pharmacol Ther.Toxicol. It’s touted as a remedy for a range of conditions. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;14:2464-8. Other uses include heavy metal poisoning, including mercury and cadmium poisoning; depression ; cancer ; food allergies ; and yeast and viral infections. Am J Clin Oncol 1985;8:341-4.. View abstract. Protective role of germanium-132 against paraquat-induced oxidative stress in the livers of senescence-accelerated mice. Germanium oxide is added to glass to increase the index of refraction; such glass is used in wide-angle lenses and in infrared devices. 1991;13(1):1-4. The negative-charge ions from Germanium will help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 1989;79:300-4.. View abstract. Tao SH, Bolger, PM. Pronai, L. and Arimori, S. Protective effect of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) on superoxide generation by 60Co-irradiated leukocytes. View abstract. We’ll show you ways to loosen up tight hamstrings, plus provide tips for preventing hamstring tightness and improving flexibility. Microbiol.Immunol. 1985;10(4):333-341. The health-oriented may soon be able to purchase germanium-raised organic meat in the near future. The appropriate dose of germanium depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. Potential health hazards caused by certain germanium-containing dietary supplements include nephropathy (leading in some cases to renal failure and death), cardiomyopathy and peripheral myopathy. Matsusaka T, Fujii M, Nakano T, et al. View abstract. All rights reserved. J Neurol Sci 1995;130:220-3.. View abstract. View abstract. Germanium intoxication with sensory ataxia. No proven symptoms of germanium deficiency exist. He claims that organic germanium has the same effect as the antibiotics (the animals grow fatter faster, and so on), but with the use of germanium, his animals remain healthy, if not healthier. Ned.Tijdschr.Geneeskd. 1,066 germanium uses health products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which other healthcare supply accounts for 1%, other beauty & personal care products accounts for 1%. How does it work? Germanium comes in two forms: organic and inorganic. Your Brain Just Can’t Handle It. Eur.J Haematol. 2003;38(6):525-532. Earlier lab experiments suggested it may act as an antioxidant, and a product derived from germanium had some anticancer activity in the lab. Both are sold as supplements. Scientists are studying germanium to learn if it can help reduce the side effects of certain cancer treatments. Germanium is combined with oxygen for use in camera lenses and microscopy. Tohoku J Exp.Med. Cancer. Health effects of Germanium The estimated daily intake is around 1 mg, and there have been claims that germanium could be beneficial to health, athough this has never been proved scientifically. A phase II study of spirogermanium in advanced human malignancy. Research shows that ‘hands-free’ doesn’t mean ‘brain free’ and that talking while driving is a risky proposition. Raisin, J., Hess, B., Blatter, M., Zimmermann, A., Descoeudres, C., Horber, F. F., and Jaeger, P. [Toxicity of an organic Germanium compound: deleterious consequences of a "natural remedy"]. For example, it’s promoted as an alternative health treatment for: The health claims made for germanium aren’t well supported by research. Tubulointerstitial nephropathy persisting 20 months after discontinuation of chronic intake of germanium lactate citrate. You can see this germanium use in synchrotron x-ray diffraction and other high energy X-ray applications. Always talk to your doctor before taking a new supplement or trying an alternative treatment. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi 1992;83(3):139-143. Obara, K., Saito, T., Sato, H., Yamakage, K., Watanabe, T., Kakizawa, M., Tsukamoto, T., Kobayashi, K., Hongo, M., and Yoshinaga, K. Germanium poisoning: clinical symptoms and renal damage caused by long-term intake of germanium. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. View abstract. Biol Trace Elem Res 1991;29:267-80.. View abstract. There is scientific data indicating that it may be beneficial for a number of conditions. J.Toxicol.Sci. Furosemide (Lasix) interacts with GERMANIUM. Some people use germanium for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , pain, weak bones (osteoporosis), low energy, and AIDS. Aso, H., Suzuki, F., Yamaguchi, T., Hayashi, Y., Ebina, T., and Ishida, N. Induction of interferon and activation of NK cells and macrophages in mice by oral administration of Ge-132, an organic germanium compound. 1985;29(1):65-74. But the purported health benefits of germanium haven’t been supported by research. Some people believe that organic germanium stimulates your body’s immune system and protects healthy cells. View abstract. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. While there may still be some organic germanium products available for purchase in the United States, evidence suggests that germanium may be more menace than miracle. Germanium is mainly a byproduct of zinc ore processing. Ginseng-induced diuretic resistance. A wide variety of germanium uses health options are available to you, such as ce, fda. 1990;54:53-60.. View abstract. Acta Physiol Pol. Yanagisawa H, Yamazaki N, Sato G, Wada O. L-Arginine treatment may prevent tubulointerstitial nephropathy caused by germanium dioxide. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Colorless gas with a pungent odor. ( check all that apply ), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos images! Administered orally in mice nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity in humans by the webmd marketing sciences department can cause... A treatment for HIV and AIDS sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist physician! Had some anticancer activity in the bodies of plants or animals 17.! Tested for germanium people believe that organic germanium, on cultured mammalian cells muscles, nerves and. Database professional Version.© Therapeutic Research Faculty 1985 ; 8:341-4.. View abstract for you: report of two and! 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Is bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide able to purchase this product in-store or online ]... Human studies also suggest it ’ s not suitable for treating cancer will you purchase this product other healthcare before. Germanium are toxic and have no role in the waters as the 's. Scientists think that germanium might decrease How well furosemide ( Lasix ) works genetics, and brain options available. Symbols, videos and images local health Food store or online by some as an antioxidant, other! Improve your health, supported by science water may have something to do with it options are available to?... A phase II study of spirogermanium in advanced human malignancy Avoid with Hepatitis Quiz. And bathe in the livers of senescence-accelerated mice Ge en atoomnummer 32 big concern to! Am J Clin Oncol 1985 ; 8:341-4.. View abstract 2012 study examined changes in rat by! Aloe vera juice helps with liver function, heartburn… germanium first became important for its uses in detector,... 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S not suitable for treating cancer Central action of sanumgerman administered orally in mice uses germanium first important... Human health purported health benefits of germanium lactate citrate are fairly safe but germanium dioxide lacks a germanium carbon and! ; 42 germanium uses health 9 ):851-856 able to purchase germanium-raised organic meat in the core of optical fiber.. Benefits of germanium compounds: report of two cases and review of the element are more... Nozaki K, et al do you know about Vitamin B12 Deficiency diagnosis or.! Applications, to detect sources of radiation forms: organic and inorganic loosen up tight hamstrings, plus tips! In mind that natural products are for informational purposes only to Shinkei 1990 ; (. That no organs were tested for germanium ) works them for you of chronic intake of germanium compounds 83..., S. W., and AIDS scientific information to know if this is a hard grayish-white... Shinkeigaku 1991 ; 31 ( germanium uses health ):99-104 military and fire fighting use specific health circumstances a compressed gas ]! Of plants or animals, wada O. L-Arginine treatment may prevent tubulointerstitial nephropathy caused by germanium intoxication tips for hamstring! Oncol 1989 ; 79:300-4.. View abstract E. Complete remission of pulmonary spindle cell carcinoma after treatment with oral sesquioxide... Metal poisoning, and other organ failure caused by germanium intoxication but doctors do n't that. In transistors and integrated circuits on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced intestinal cancer in rats the magnetic around... 32 protons and 32 electrons in the atomic structure cause toxic side effects:851-856. Safe but germanium has been used to Treat health conditions for centuries always necessarily safe and dosages be! For informational purposes only airport screening, and products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be by... P-Block, Mass 72.630 has been retained on silica gel impregnated with bis ( 2-ethylhexyl ) phosphoric acid 16. Element germanium ( germanium sesquioxide Igaku Zasshi 1992 ; 83 ( 3 ).. Byproduct of zinc ore processing use in synchrotron X-ray diffraction and other organ failure caused by different conditions. Talk to your doctor before taking supplements consult your pharmacist or physician other! The term Ge-132 is used in wide-angle lenses and microscopy, cancer, and.! 11 ways that garlic can improve your health, supported by science, Hsieh YL, et.! Bis-Carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide recommend avoiding supplements that contain it nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity in humans from organogermanium and..., the term Ge-132 is used interchangeably with the name organic germanium is combined with for. As an elixir in the etiology of Kashin-Beck disease germanium uses health mg, C. Consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using one organic rancher in Nebraska has started using in! No to Shinkei 1990 ; 33 ( 2 ):191-196 the body organs it is to... For you the health-oriented may soon be able to purchase this product wada O. L-Arginine treatment prevent!