The smooth transition of the transfer is orchestrated through efforts such as telling the caller to whom they’ll be transferred and apprising the new Brand Specialist or supervisor of the caller’s name and the details of the interaction. Includes calls, emails and chats. Automated GreetingA prerecorded salutation that plays automatically when a call is answered. Cross Sell MatrixSelection of items in a sales environment determined to have a superior rate of conversion based on the customers’ browsing experiences and/or purchase decisions. Data AberrationsThis occurs when the data severely deviates from the usual path. QA Evaluation SheetsForms used for quality assurance monitoring and assessment of Brand Specialist interactions with customers. Average Order Value (AOV)Sales metric providing insight into cost of a typical order, calculated as total sales revenue divided by total number of orders. Workforce Management SystemA system charged with the tasks of creating staff schedules, determining staff requirements, forecasting calls and tracking performance of Brand Specialists. Long CallCalls that are longer than 30 minutes. Cisco Unified Contact Center EnterpriseA Cisco Systems product that provides call center computer telephony integration, contact routing and multichannel contact management. Unavailable TimeThe times in which a Brand Specialist is not able to take or make calls. Additionally, call recording also can be used as documentation of a transaction, offer, action to be taken by both or either parties or a conversation. First AttemptCalls that attempt connection on a group of trunks for the first time. Idle TimeTime that is not spent on a call or doing after-call work. Customer Effort Score (CES)A customer satisfaction survey used to measure the degree of effort the customer felt they had to expend to resolve their issue. QueueSequencing process where a call, email, chat, social media or SMS inquiry is held until a Brand Specialist is available to accept the interaction. Service Organization Controls (SOC)Financial standards measuring internal controls of financial reporting, information privacy, security, confidentiality, availability and processing integrity at service organizations. It brings everything together in one place. Demand refers to consumers' desire to purchase goods and services at given prices. Single Point Of FailureWhen the success of a project or process is inhibited by a single element. Phone numbers with the prefixes 800, 844, 855, 866, 877 and 888 are toll-free numbers. GateAn automatic call distributor (ACD) routing division that allows contacts arriving on specific telephone trunks or by transaction type to be routed and answered by specific groups of Brand Specialists. CalabrioSystem that provides workforce optimization for call centers. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)Calibrates performance of an organization through the monitoring and analysis of integral metrics. refer to: See: adduce , allude , appeal , ascribe , bear , cite , concern , connote , consult , denote , involve , mention , specify , state Public Relations AgencyA company hired in an effort to establish and maintain a favorable image of an organization to the public. Online reviews are written by customers commenting on services or products and are accessible to potential customers for use as guidance in making purchasing decisions. RespOrgs, which are certified by the SMS/800 database administrator, need not be a telephone company. The forms provide a performance checklist that is both a guide for Brand Specialists and for the individual evaluating them. Text messaging. Contact blending can be accomplished manually or by means of automated systems that route the contacts to the Brand Specialists within a specified skillset utilized to improve efficiency. Social Media Response TimeThe time it takes a Brand Specialist to respond to a brand mention online. Progressive DialerThis dialer type displays account information and the phone number on a telephone screen. EmailMessages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients. On the receiving end, the local central office receives calls that originated in other areas, from the IXC. This usually occurs when an automatic call distribution (ACD) group cannot handle every call coming in due to an excessive amount of calls. He or she answers any inquiries, dissatisfaction or support calls. Speech RecognitionAs with an automated attendant and other voice processing systems, speech recognition entails automated identification of spoken words and phrases that enable interaction with the caller. DashboardA display of data indicating an overview of key performance indicators. Longest Available AgentWhen a Brand Specialist has been sitting idle for a longer period of time than anyone else, they are considered to be the longest available Brand Specialist. Busy StudyA study provided by a telephone carrier that shows the number of calls attempting to be connected on incoming trunks. The period in European history when inflation rose rapidly. In the context of a contact center, TSF can be used to ascertain whether goals are being met. Workforce Management (WFM)A contact center discipline that uses historical information, future forecasts, contact channel volumes, interaction durations and schedules to determine an optimal staffing for a given time period. Wrap-Up TimeConsists solely of the time that Brand Specialists spend doing after-call work. It is important to measure versus calls where immediate customer hang-ups do not reflect an adequate opportunity for performance. Speed Of AnswerThe time a caller is waiting to be connected with a Brand Specialist. Virtual Call CenterEnables network and Brand Specialist resources to be in separate locations, but facilitates functioning as if these are all in the same location. Social Media Risk ManagementMain risks involving social media involve brand reputation, compliance violations and release of confidential information. Medical call centers which should be compliant with healthcare regulations including HIPAA, deploy technological solutions and operational processes to distribute contacts to teams of Brand Specialists, often located in one or more locations. A labor saturation rate of less than 2 percent is considered to be desirable in finding needed staff, while a labor saturation rate of more than 5 percent may indicate that not enough qualified workers will be available. Cross SellTo increase order value, complementary or support items are offered to a customer that are likely to be purchased. Noise Canceling HeadsetHeadsets that minimize background noise in an effort to increase the focus of a Brand Specialist to better assist a customer. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)The amalgamation of the telephone and computer system, which holds the database from which the company functions. Designed by Judy McKee of McKee Motivation. This allows the receiving end to identify who is trying to contact them. Lifetime Value (LTV)A company’s revenue or profit from transactions with a customer over the lifetime of the relationship. Java Telephony Application Programming Interface (JTAPI)A Java-based computer program for telephone applications, such as placing, answering or dropping a call. Magic QuadrantMarket research reports produced by Gartner Inc. that rate vendors in specific technology industries, ranking them from highest- to lowest-scoring as Leaders, Challengers, Visionaries or Niche Players. The term’s usage has risen as marketers work to target millennials as consumers, and as psychologists and sociologists work to understand them as people. Customer LoyaltyOne of three levels of value in the call center, providing distinguished service that improves customer retention and transforms customers into advocates, according to the International Customer Management Institute. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)Originally created to link contrary computers across various networks, TCP/IP are now common standards for commercial equipment and applications. Average Speed of Answer (ASA)Metric used to calculate the average time a call remains in the queue until a Brand Specialist has picked it up. Refer definition is - to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group. Real-Time AdherenceMeasures the degree to which a Brand Specialist performs to the work schedule planned for them. They often handle contacts via channels beyond the telephone, including email, chat, social media and SMS. Calculations based on the effectiveness of a result based on the effort required to deliver the result. Unified Commerce The adaptation of the enterprise to meet consumer demand in the method preferred by the customer. Gap AnalysisA technique to determine the steps needed to move a project or business from its current form to a desired state or goal. MobileThe ability to move freely and easily as it relates to cellular smart phones, tablets, handheld computers and similar technology. Politically, it refers to the development of forms of governance that operate at the global scale, whose policies and rules cooperative nations are expected to abide. Interactive Voice Response (IVR)An automated retrieval and processing device that provides information to callers via telephone keypad signaling and/or voice recognition. True Calls Per HourThe number of actual calls and individuals or groups that handle the calls divided by occupancy for that period of time. See social media customer care. In statistical terms, the variance-to-mean ratio of peaked traffic is greater than one. Note that in the latter case, blocked calls or busies may not be counted. RespOrgs are organizations that have access to the SMS/800 database, which contains information regarding the status of all toll free numbers, and can assign toll free numbers, according to the Federal Communications Commission. See text. Erlang C assumes blocked calls will wait in a queue, and as such is widely used in determining call center staffing requirements. Expressed in terms of time, assuming no call blockage due to uneven arrival patterns, a capacity of one Erlang equates to 60 minutes of traffic per hour; as arrival pattern complexity increases, blocking theory comes into play, and additional service elements will be required to ensure optimal call distribution (see Erlang models, Erlang-Engset). Processed through software applications. Neocolonialism, the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through indirect means. Network Inter-FlowA technology used in multi-site call centers to create a more efficient distribution of calls between sites. Medical Call CenterAn operation combining human, technical and physical resources to field inbound and/or place outbound phone calls in support of healthcare. Often defined by key performance indicators (KPIs) that are unique to the specific function. Voice Recognition SystemA telephone system using speech recognition to activate equipment that dials telephone numbers automatically, route calls, make selections or capture information from the caller. Customer ServiceWorking on behalf of and for the satisfaction of a customer. Meaning of global issue. For example, if you are a small company that makes software, apps, etc., today the world is your oyster. Management by Walking Around (MBWA)When a manager or supervisor physically walks through the contact center to oversee contact handling and performance. Contact Center ManagementAs defined by the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI), the art of having the right number of properly skilled people and supporting resources in place at the right times to handle an accurately forecasted workload, at service level and with quality. TCP/IPSee transmission control protocol/internet protocol. The commitment to represent the brand and the ability to assist and satisfy the brand’s customers. Automatic Dialer (Auto Dialer)A phone system used to dial outbound calls from a call list, and route the answered calls to Brand Specialists. Escalation PlanA plan for managing a call queue when it builds beyond planned levels. Call BlendingThe method of organizing the inbound/outbound flow of calls, as well as emails, chats and other interactions, to a set of Brand Specialists. It can include both domestic and international providers. Private NetworkAn exclusive use of a network made up of circuits for a particular organization or group of associated organizations. Command CenterA group within a call center program that has responsibility for such workforce management functions as real-time schedule adherence, agent skilling, scheduling, forecasting and reporting. Recordings can also be used before a call connects to a Brand Specialist previewing what may be discussed and what information the caller may need to have ready once connected. Our brand passion drives every customer experience and is backed with top-rated technology, advanced performance management, reporting and analytics. EfficiencyUsing resources in the most cost-effective manner. More completely, the term “global change" encompasses: planetary scale changes to atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, climate, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle and other cycles, sea-ice changes, sea-level changes, food webs, biological diversity, pollution, health, fish stocks, and more. It includes automatic call distributor functions and IP telephony. For example, an 80/20 service level refers to a target of 80 percent of inbound calls being answered within 20 seconds. Master Service Agreement (MSA)A contract negotiated between parties to specify terms that will govern future transactions. Schedule ExceptionThe time that accounts for ongoing training, meetings, absenteeism, unscheduled breaks and other unplanned activities in an employee’s work schedule. This system is automated, thus severely reducing the time and cost of hiring employees to do this manually. Telephony Applications Programming Interface (TAPI)A combination of telephony and computer services that enables voice calling, dialing, answering, hanging up, holding, transferring, conferencing and other functions. Best PracticesProcedures or methods that are accepted as the most effective to achieve an objective. The inverse of answer rate. Example applications include predictive modeling for sales projections and staffing requirements, decision analysis for capital expenditures, and consumer insight analysis to enable precision-targeting in marketing initiatives. Definition of global issue in the dictionary. CustomerIndividuals or organizations that purchase from your company. Pareto PrincipleA principle named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto that defines the distribution of wealth or other assets or activities as an 80/20 relationship – that 80 percent of effects are from 20 percent of the causes. The term "inlet mode" refers to a suction state with positive inlet pressure in which the pumped medium is supplied from a point located above the pump's suction port and which is in contact with the atmosphere (open system). Available StateDescribes a Brand Specialist’s status while signed into the automatic call distribution (ACD) system and ready to take a call. Traffic engineering is based on first attempt traffic, as compared to offered or carried load. OutboundContacts made by Brand Specialists to reach customers and prospects. Brand LoyaltyThe customer passion and confidence that compels them to repeatedly return to purchase from a company’s brand over time. Conditional RoutingThe capability of the automatic call distributor (ACD) to route calls or contacts on an “if…then” basis. Climate change definition, a long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature: Melting glaciers imply that life in the Arctic is affected by climate change. End Of Call DispositionA call status labeling process that indicates the primary reason for the call and its result. Internet PhoneRather than using the long-distance network, online users can make calls via the internet. Contingency PlanningDescribes preliminary actions to be taken in the case of unfavorable situations within a business. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)A full-time equivalent equals one employee working full-time. This may also be referred to as an analytics dashboard for quick access to key social media metrics all in one place. Caller-Entered DigitsUsing the telephone keypad, callers can enter digits to navigate a directory or leave a request for callback message. Hit RateThe number of successes achieved as a percentage of the total number of attempts for an activity. The stronger the correlation, the closer the points will be to the line. Customer SatisfactionThe degree to which a customer feels their expectations have been fulfilled by a company’s products and services. The number of sales made divided by the number of calls taken. Intuition, interdepartmental committees, market research and executive opinion are all integral to judgmental forecasting. If writing or…. Maximum Delay to AnswerThe longest time a customer waited in queue before being assisted by a Brand Specialist. Organizations may often use off-peak time for ongoing training workshops, team-building exercises and meetings. Inbound salesSales opportunities that are initiated by incoming calls, emails, chats, social media or SMS inquiries from customers and prospects. See automatic number identification. Includes routing criteria, overflow parameters, recorded announcements and timing thresholds. Not Ready StateThe state of a Brand Specialist who is not currently available to take calls. A regular phone call is referred to as mono-media, and a video call is referred to as multimedia. It is commonly used to measure to what degree qualified staff may be available in a certain labor market. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)Contracting a business function, such as finance, human resources or contact center services, to a third-party provider. The message may provide general information about products or services, indicate heavy call volume, provide estimated wait time, or request callback during off-peak hours. Includes the desired outcome of the call. Random Call ArrivalsThe manner in which a call center receives calls, not based on any kind of pattern or interval system. Cold TransferThis is the telecommunications technique that sends a customer call from its current destination to another phone location or agent unannounced. Caller IDDisplays a caller’s information on the telephone or on a separately attached screen. CoachingThe process of optimizing Brand Specialist and program performance through positive reinforcement and encouragement. PSTNSee public switched telephone network. First, it has traditionally been used within intergovernmental development organizations –– primarily those that originated in the Non-Aligned Movement­ ­â€“– to refer to economically disadvantaged nation-states and as a post-cold war alternative to “Third World.” Retention Rate, EmployeeThe percentage of employees who remain with a company during a specified time. Data MiningDescribes the detection of trends in customer data over a period of time. Pharmaceutical call centers, which should be compliant with healthcare regulations including HIPAA, deploy technological solutions and operational processes to distribute contacts to teams of Brand Specialists, often located in one or more locations. Incremental Revenue (Value) AnalysisA cost- and revenue-based method of analysis that is used to assist in the decision-making process to add Brand Specialists to the team or to reduce the number of team members. The second version of the survey asks the customer to agree or disagree to the statement that the organization made it easy for them to handle their issue. See interflow and intraflow. LAMAA call-handling technique that emphasizes listening and interaction with the customer for better call control. Span of ControlA ratio of the number of Brand Specialists to the number of supervisors who manage them. Voice Response Unit (VRU)Also referred to as interactive voice response unit (IVR). Social Media Customer CareUsing social media (Facebook and Twitter, for instance) to interact with customers, geared toward building strong brand confidence for the customer through quick and effective responses to online queries. Quality AnalystAn employee or consultant with responsibility for reviewing processes and procedures of a company. Completed CallA call that has undergone total treatment by a Brand Specialist. Payment card industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)Information security standards for companies and agencies that accept major credit cards. See average handle time. Social Service LevelA specified contract or agreement between the customer and the company defining what each party receives in terms of social media and channels, specifically relating to the timeliness of response. One who takes on financial risk to make profits. The term Global South is a dynamic term that does not consider geographic locations, meaning that, members of this grouping who reach a certain development threshold may cross over to the Global North. Day-of-week routing may direct calls to alternate sites or groups based on the date (holidays, weekend days, for instance). Call RecordingStoring data from phone interactions, often with the goal of being able to provide additional training to the Brand Specialist by monitoring for quality control, all in an effort to enhance customer satisfaction. OccupancyThe percentage of time a Brand Specialist is logged in and available to accept incoming calls, email, chat, social media and SMS inquiries or other tasks versus the time that they are logged in and idle, waiting for the next interaction. A global business is an organization that carries out its business activities throughout the world. First Contact Resolution (FCR)Properly diagnosing and resolving the customer’s issues on the initial point of contact. Recorded AnnouncementA preplanned announcement that a caller will hear, usually while waiting in queue. Customer CareCustomer service that creates high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In meetings, absenteeism, unscheduled breaks and other unplanned activities in an attempt to make workforce adjustments as.. Overflowing a call and irreversible is created for each caller to include all the information concerning transaction! Over 18 certain Rights concerning their children’s or their own education files are accepted the! Workshops, team-building exercises and meetings an instant message system, which is called a warm transfer measuring percentage. Will wait in a certain population credited with creating the term service level outbound calls are routed to a. 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