5107.170-3 -- Policy and procedures. 5129.303 Application of state and local taxes to government contractors and subcontractors. (iv) Maintain continuing surveillance over individuals to ensure compliance with acquisition regulations. In order to ensure that all AFAR members are well exposed to all areas of Forensics and promote specialization, the following Certifications are modular programmes in which members can study and sit for examinations and be certified. Flight status, tracking, and historical data for American Airlines 5113 (AA5113/AAL5113) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times. (2) Individual purchases of commercial items under BPAs, other than BPAs established in accordance with FAR 13.303-2(c)(3), may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold up to the dollar limitation specified in FAR 13.500. (vi) Cardholders shall do the following: (A) Reconcile purchases actually made within three working days of receipt of their monthly statement of account. A/OPCs shall issue purchase cards only to individuals who have received the orientation/training on the purchase card program as required in these procedures. This AFARS appendix establishes key internal controls for management of contracting functions and the method for evaluating the effectiveness of these controls. (g) Use the purchase card as a method of payment for all commercial training $25,000 and below for the following: (1) Standard Form 182, Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training, in accordance with United States Code 41 for civilians. related. (b) Contracting officers should not establish blanket purchase agreements for supplies or services when the use of unpriced purchase orders is appropriate (see FAR 13.302-2). (2) Provide a copy of the BPA to individuals authorized to place BPA calls. (b) In accordance with AFARS 1.603-1(I) chiefs of contracting offices are hereby delegated authority to appoint ordering officers under their jurisdiction, without power of redelegation. A quick reference of the AFARS Parts. (1) Conduct reviews not less frequently than annually. 4500, “Government Purchase Cards” e. A quick reference of the AFARS Parts:: Current to Oct 2001 Edition (AFARS REVISION # 006) (C) Issue delegations of authority to cardholders. Ensure the proper auditing of checking accounts on a quarterly basis. "This system is subject to monitoring. Training Card: (Reference AFARS Appendix EE, Section 3-2 Use of the GPC for Training and Education) The GPC Training Card will be used only to pay for classroom training and standard off-the-shelf courses. (a) A word or a term, defined in this section, has the same meaning throughout this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1), unless - (1) The context in which the word or term is used clearly requires a different meaning; or (2) Another FAR part, subpart, or section provides a different definition for the particular part or portion of the part. AFARS Appendix EE, Appendix I and AFARS 5113.202-90 (c)) Ordering Officer accounts will be reviewed by the Level 4 A/OPC annually. (E) Ensure prescribed training of cardholders and approving officials. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution. 5113.270-90 Use of the Government commercial purchase card. The senior contracting official designates the Level 3 agency/organization program coordinator (A/OPC) (see Appendix EE), with final approval and endorsement of the Level 3 A/OPC by the Level 2 A/OPC in writing. 5113.306-90 Standard form 44, purchase order - invoice - voucher. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution. in the references listed inparagraph 1-4 and the following: AFARS 5113.201, Chapter 2 andAppendix A of the DOD Government Charge Card Guidebook; Volume 1,Part 4, Chapter 4500 of the Treasury Financial Manual; Office ofManagement and Budget (OMB) Circular 123, Appendix B Revised,Chapters (a) It is preferable to have multiple BPAs for similar items and to establish prices using reverse auctions among BPA holders. 5107.103-90 -- Distribution of written acquisition plans. (A) Ensure that the transactions are legal, proper, necessary and correct in accordance with Government rules and regulations; (B) Ensure that adequate documentation is available for individual transactions; (C) Ensure the facts presented in documents for payment are complete and accurate; (D) Take appropriate action to prevent two or more payments for the same transaction; (E) Ensure proper implementation of dispute procedures when questions arise on transactions; (F) Provide copy of certifying officer appointment letter with signature card to the A/OPC; and. Consider electronic statement of account received on the first day following the end of the billing cycle. The nomination, appointment, and selection of CHs must be done in accordance with AFARS Part 5113 upon receiving the customized training. (4) For contingency or humanitarian operations as authorized in a specific appropriations act or an Executive Order, the applicable act or order may adjust the micro-purchase threshold. (d) The purchase card may also provide a streamlined way of paying for contracts other than those listed in paragraph (c). The Defense Acquisition University purchase card course is mandatory for all cardholders and billing officials. List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 518 Freedom of Information Act. Part 139 Airport Certification Status List (MS Excel) (updated 12/10/2020) List of certificated airports by state, name, associated city, and identifier. (F) Ensure appropriate functional participation in the development and administration of the program (e.g., finance and accounting, director of logistics, director of public works, legal counsel, etc.). An Official Website Of The United States Government, Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC), Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee (ISDC), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions, Army Procurement Management Review Program, Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts, Contract Administration and Audit Services, Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace, Extraordinary Contractual Actions and the Safety Act, Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of Interest, Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information, Required Sources of Supplies and Services, Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses. A duly appointed, disinterested third party will conduct audits. (a) The contracting officer shall do the following: (1) Ensure that those individuals authorized to place calls under BPAs have received training and orientation in accordance with paragraph (b). The log shall be the cardholder log within the bank s electronic access system. (4) The purchase is a transaction in support of intelligence or other specialized activities addressed by Part 2.7 of Executive Order 12333. Contact Us | Privacy and Security Notice | Accessibility Aids | Last updated 12/26/20. (b) It is not necessary to modify a purchase order to document a shortage in the final shipment, provided the shortage is within the permissible variation in quantity, if any, established in the purchase order. The threshold for Construction purchases is $2,000. (A) Serve as the purchase card focal point at each activity; (B) Establish, and maintain current cardholder and approving official accounts; (C) Coordinate with resource managers, spending limits and finance and accounting data used in establishing cardholder and approving official accounts; (D) Not establish accounts or allow the certification of invoices by billing officials until the CCO or A/OPC issues required letters of delegations and appointment letters to cardholders and approving officials/certifying officials; and. o 5107.170 -- Consolidation of contract requirements. Part 139 Airports. (G) Perform oversight reviews on approving officials to ensure cardholder adherence to policy and procedures. (g) The head of the contracting activity shall make the determination as described in FAR 13.201(g). It also identifies Part 139 classification, ARFF index, inactive status, and large hub airports. (2) Department of the Army Form 2171, Request for Tuition Assistance Army Continuing Education System, provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education Programs in support of soldiers professional and personal self development. Paragraph (e) requires that AFARS 5152.225-74-9000, Contractors Accompanying the Force, be included in all solicitations and contracts that may require deployment of contractor personnel in support of military operations. (2) Review accounts with significant dollar or transaction volume on a more frequent basis. The use of reverse auctions to determine pricing among BPAs is the preferred method. Subpart 5113.5 - Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Items. AFARS - PART 5129 Taxes. Use of the purchase card must meet the following conditions in addition to conditions imposed by the GSA s SmartPay Master Contract: (a) Each transaction should involve a single delivery and payment. References In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 13.301, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Subpart 213.201 and Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (AFARS) Subpart 5113.270-90 and Army GPC Operating Procedures, May 2013 edition, the … AFARS stands for Automated Federal Aviation Regulations Subsystem. (3) Use of the GPC is mandatory as the method of payment for soldiers tuition when the Centralized Tuition Assistance Management in GoArmyEd processes the request, funding, approval and enrollment verification of the specific course. However, most of the AFARS is not actually contained in Title 48, Chapter 51, of the CFR. For example, if you look at the the Army FAR supplement (AFARS) at the Hill AFB FARSite, you will see parts 5101, 5102, 5103, all the way up to 5153. 5129.101 Resolving tax problems. SUBPART 5113.5 – SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURES FOR CERTAIN COMMERCIAL ITEMS . Check our Regulation Archives. 5113.303 Blanket purchase agreements (BPAs). Contact Us | Privacy and Security Notice | Accessibility Aids | Last updated 12/22/20. The second interim final rule incorporates AFARS 5152.225-74-9000. AFARS POC: Office … (c) Cardholders shall advise merchants or vendors at the time of the transaction that items purchased with the card are for Official United States Government use. L. 114-92). (2) For payment against existing contracts, the limit is as identified in the contract. The management control checklist of the GPC must include the quarterly audit requirement. (H) Ensure the safeguarding of convenience checks to ensure good stewardship and discourage and detect fraudulent actions with the checking accounts. This is a U. S. General Services Administration Federal Government computer system that is"FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. If contractors working on cost type contracts request cards, the contractor will forward their request to the contracting officer for the cost-reimbursable contract. You can confirm the most current version of the regulation at https://procurement.army.mil/afars. • Current government Purchase Card Holder (GPC) coordinates purchases in accordance with FAR part 13, DFARS Part 213, AFARS Part 5113. Administrative practices and procedures. Training shall advise cardholders and certifying officials of financial liability under the program for certifying and accountable officials. (E) Perform oversight and surveillance of all accounts under the purview of that A/OPC. UAI 5113.270 Use of the Government-wide commercial purchase card. 5129.201 General. 5113.201 General.. 5113.202-90 Purchase guidelines.. 5113.270-90 Use of the Government commercial purchase card.. Subpart 5113.3 - Simplified Acquisition Methods. Overseas organizations may make purchases up to $50,000 from exchanges only (vice NAFIs) and may use the purchase card as a method of payment. (iii) The CCO may require additional training depending on the thresholds and circumstances established for the card s use. Locally developed training is permissible, but it must specifically cover federal, defense, and departmental regulations, policies and procedures pertaining to micro-purchases and simplified acquisition procedures, as applicable. (c) If the supplier agrees, the contracting officer may hold completed Standard Forms 44 until the end of a month and prepare Standard Form 1034 as the payment voucher with the Standard Forms 44 attached as sub-vouchers. Mandatory for Hardware and Software within AFARS 5139.101 (S-90) (a) ... required as part of a non-CHESS IT services contract, a waiver for the hardware and software is required.” ... AFARS 5113.270-90 Use of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Agenda • Purpose • References • PCOLS • Roles and Responsibilities • Misuse, Abuse, and Fraud • Liability (c ) All ordering officer appointments shall be in compliance with AFARS 1.602-2-91. AFAR College of Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination. (1) For standalone purchases, the single purchase limit is the micro-purchase threshold except for the following: (i) $2,000 for purchases covered by the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute. Subpart 5107.2 -- Planning for the Purchase of Supplies in Economic Quantities o 5107.204 -- Responsibilities of contracting officers. Payment with the card is mandatory for services obtained from the DAPS. (b) Training for use of BPAs is the same as that required for the use of purchase cards. Subpart 5129.2 - Federal Excise Taxes. • For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Department of the Army revises 32 CFR part 518-The Army Freedom of Information Act Program as follows: PART 518-THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT PROGRAM Subpart A-General Provisions Sec. (A) Develop internal operating procedures and incorporate appropriate controls in the command or installation Internal Control Program; however, the Level 3 A/OPC will develop written Government purchase card (GPC) program internal control requirements, reporting mechanisms and surveillance plans for all activities under their purview. (c) CCOs or A/OPCs may authorize cardholders to utilize the GPC as a payment instrument for orders exceeding $3,000 made against Federal Supply Schedule contracts, calls written against a blanket purchase agreement or orders placed against indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contracts that contain a provision authorizing payment by purchase card. (i) The CCO or A/OPC shall not delegate authority to cardholders and billing/certifying officials until these individuals receive training and orientation covering the use of the card. (Please note: this link requires CAC and is not available to all users), Contact Us | Privacy and Security Notice | Accessibility Aids | Last updated 12/26/20. Appendix EE contains the Army s GPC operating procedures. Staff shall handle all broken glass or other "sharps" with broom, dust pan, tongs, or forceps in order to reduce the risk of exposure. Procedures and controls shall place minimum burdens on cardholders while still maintaining the integrity of the program. (i) Ensure that individuals equitably distribute calls among suppliers with BPAs; (ii) Ensure that individuals do not split requirements to evade monetary limitations; (iii) Require that individuals refer to the contracting officer for consideration all cases where the individuals do not consider prices to be reasonable; and. The BOs/ABOs/CHs will acknowledge receipt (electronic signature and date permissible) of appointment letters. Looking for older versions of regulations? (ii) $2,500 for purchases covered by the Service Contract Labor Standards statute. (b) CCOs and A/OPCs shall not issue cards to contractors. AFARS - PART 5113 Simplified Acquisition Procedures Subpart 5113.2 - Actions At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold 5113.201 General. (c)(1) The head of the contracting activity, on a non-delegable basis, has the authority to make the determination as described in FAR 13.500(c)(1). Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), Part 213.301 “Government-wide commercial purchase card” c. Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (AFARS), Part 5113.2 “Simplified Acquisition Procedures” d. Treasury Financial Manual, - Vol. UAI PART 5113 – SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES. Orientation must focus on the BPA process, except that if the same individual will also be a purchase cardholder, BPA orientation must be in addition to the purchase card program orientation. The only parts in the CFR are 5108, 5119, 5145, and 5152, and only portions of these AFARS parts appear. FAR 2.101, 13.003, 19.203, and 19.502-2 are being revised to increase the simplified acquisition threshold for special emergency procurement authority from $300,000 to $750,000 (within the United States) and from $1 million to $1.5 million (outside the United States). 5113.202-90 Purchase guidelines. (b) In addition to the review procedures in FAR 13.303-6, contracting officers who authorize individuals to place calls under BPAs shall -. Most states will exempt purchases made by the Government from state and local taxes. UAI 5113.201 General. Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory.” (5) The purchase is for training exercises in preparation for overseas contingency, humanitarian, or peacekeeping operations. (B) Maintain a log of purchases. (a) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) shall make the approval as described in FAR 13.305(a). DOD, GSA, and NASA published a proposed rule in the Federal Register at 81 FR 39882 on June 20, 2016, to implement section 816 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Pub. (b)(1) Individual purchases under BPAs established in accordance with FAR 13.303-2(c)(3) may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. AFARS - PART 5113 Simplified Acquisition Procedures, Subpart 5113.2 - Actions At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold. Contact Us | Privacy and Security Notice | Accessibility Aids | Last updated 07/20/20. (d) Cardholders shall initially attempt to settle disputes with the merchant. o 5113.270-90-100 Use of Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card – Added reference to DASA(P) PARC Policy Alerts 13-31, Interim Guidance - Army Government Purchase Card, Operating Procedures (AFARS Appendix EE), and 13-42 Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS) Deployment Plan and Policy. Subpart 5113.2 - Actions At or Below the Micro-Purchase Threshold. SUBPART 5113.2 – ACTIONS AT OR BELOW THE MICRO-PURCHASE THRESHOLD . (G) Certify and forward the official invoice to the paying office within five days of receipt. I, Part 4, Ch. (3) Ensure that individuals have ready access to price lists or catalogs incorporated in BPAs. If quantities are too small and not conducive to using a reverse auction, then when practicable, contracting officers should establish pre-priced BPAs by negotiating firm unit prices for specific periods of time or by incorporating suppliers price lists or catalogs in BPAs. Last Updated: December 21, 2020. The Tuition Assistance Program authorizes advance payments in accordance with Army Regulation 621-5. This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 73 by amending the using agency for Restricted Area R-5113 at Socorro, NM, from “U.S. 2007 and Army Regulation 621-5 Army Continuing Education System. The determination shall address any increase in price and/or administrative costs to use the card versus the costs of processing the payment without the card. The chief of the contracting office is responsible for approving training course content and instructor qualifications when someone outside the contracting office provides the training. (a) The contracting officer signature constitutes certification of fund availability under the appropriation cited on the order. Section 10. 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