The most Salvatore families were found in the USA in 1920. Right here at FameChain. Log In Sign Up. This includes the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England, as their family married each other before the death of King Henry VIII. We are sad to announce that on November 23, 2020, at the age of 87, Salvatore Serpe (Massapequa Park, New York) passed away. Salvatore's Family Discover the unique achievements of ancestors in your family tree. Status Marianna Nicola Salvatore 1862 - 1938. He was buried in Plymouth Naval Memorial 29., United Kingdom. Caroline was the only child of Bill and Elizabeth Forbes, and was turned into a vampire at the age of 17. The family originally comes from Florence, Italy, as evidenced by the Florentine seal on some parts of the Salvatore Boarding House. Silas of either Greek, Latin or Roman descent. Mary Salvatore 1897 - 1950. FAQ. The books just mention Stefan, Damon and Conte Di Salvatore, but he is also, on one occasion, called Giuseppe. Right here at FameChain. The Salvatore family is descended from Greek/Latin/Roman origin, but eventually becomes a family of Italian heritage. Salvatore "Sam" Roma 1901 1987 Illinois Salvatore "Sam" Roma, 1901 - 1987. Salvatore had 2 siblings. His native tongue is Latin. A graduate of Leominster High School, Salvatore has credited his high school English teacher with being instrumental in his development as a writer. Catherine A "Kay" Salvatore 1921 - 2013. Family Members. Already a member? HELP. Our database contains 38 records of marriages of the family Salvatore, here are some … In 1880 there were 2 Salvatore families living in New York. Salvatore family | Genealogy, family tree and origins. This is The Salvatore Family Tree which contains all known members of this family. Contact us. The Salvatore Family is one of the Founding Families in the series. August Salvatore-Knight, Alexander Salvatore-Knight, Darrien Salvatore, and Samantha Salvatore. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Salvatore Gorgone and we’ll search for valuable new information for you. Many large databases are available to search covering from births, deaths and marriages, military records, census records and immigration records with many other smaller collections too. Extant Deuxième « Capo di tutti capi » (chef de tous les chefs) après l'assassinat de Salvatore Maranzano, Luciano est considéré com… This is a pedigree chart for Frank [Salvatore-93]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was buried in Plymouth Naval Memorial 29., United Kingdom. Salvatore Meilak died on January 20, 1918 at 28 years old. She is the daughter of John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming, and the adoptive daughter and niece of Miranda Sommers and Grayson Gilbert. People Projects Discussions Surnames Upcoming Episodes. This family has the responsibility to provide the vervain in the town. Family heritage Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. They had 7 children. Genealogy for Salvatore Buscemi (1965 - 2008) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. The Salvatore Family is one of the Founding Families in the series. Contact us. Salvatore Bartoletti family tree The Salvatore Family has been linked to both the Petrova Family and the Bennett Family since 1st Century BCE, also known as the Biblical Times. 1931 - 2018 SALVATORE A. CIARAMITARO. 1937-2019 Anthony M. Shermetaro. In the books, there are three known members of the Salvatore family, which include Conte Di Giuseppe Salvatore, Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore. GENEALOGICAL DATA. (Salvatore Salvatore Augustus Barbera) Né le 27 septembre 1903 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA; Décédé le 30 mai 1990 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA,à l'âge de 86 ans; Inhumé en 1990 - Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA Parents. History Origins Salvatore D'Aquila's crime family. He passed away on 25 April 1932 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, USA . MyHeritage Family Trees salvatore briguglio, 1906 - 1981salvatorebriguglio19061981 salvatore brigugliowas born on month day1906, at birth place, to natale briguglioand francesca briguglio (born d'arrigo). The Salvatore family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1841 and 1920. Add a photo to this galleryAdd a photo to this galleryJSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:["/extensions/wikia/WikiaPhotoGallery/js/WikiaPhotoGallery.view.js"],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init"}). Add new page. The family originally comes from Florence, Italy, as evidenced by the Florentine seal on some parts of the Salvatore Boarding House. Here is Salvatore Digiovanni’s obituary. It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish. Silas (Ancient Greek: Σίλας, Modern Greek: Silouanos, Latin: Silvanus) was born some time during 1st Century B.C., around the Biblical Times.His origins are from Ancient Greece. If no match exists, you will be prompted to add a new person to the tree. Salvatore had 4 sisters: Jeanette Ann … Discover a list of ancestors and a genealogy for the Salvatore family for free. Town Council. Salvatore married Rosa Aquia (born Sanfilippo) on month day 1914, at age 24 at marriage place, Maryland. Mikael - Mikael was an Original vampire who was once a Viking and a wealthy landowner in Norway.He is the patriarch of the Mikaelson family and is the father of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik and the step-father of Niklaus. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Bono is a female-to-male transgender man. It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Salvatore Digiovanni of Lexington, Kentucky, who passed away on December 22, 2020, at the age of 90, leaving to mourn family and friends. He was born c. 1890. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Salvatore Azzarello (Reading, Pennsylvania), who passed away on December 24, 2020. Explore Your Tree. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Salvatore Cassaro of Jersey City, New Jersey, who passed away on December 4, 2020, leaving to mourn family and friends. — Salvatore Montaperto Valguarnera s'investì del titolo di Principe non che dello Stato e Terra di Raffadali, a 20 Giugno 1806, per la morte di Salvatore suddetto, suo avo e per intermedia persona di Bernardo Montaperto, ... Major children and living persons must directly contact the owner of this family tree… Salvatore Salmieri found in 1 tree View all. Born in the infamous Mafia dominated fishing village of Castellammare del Golfo in the northwestern tip of Sicily, Magaddino came from a well-known and notorious family of mafiosi dating back several centuries. Iris Salvatore, a second generation member of the Salvatore family, places her hand on the Salvatore cypress tree after its dedication ceremony on the family property in … The Salvatore family is one of the founding families of Mystic Falls. 1. The Salvatore Family (Ancient Greek: Σαλβατορε, Modern Greek: Salvatoros, Latin: Salvatorus, Late Roman: Salvator, Italian: Salvaturi, Salvatorio, or Salvatore, Feminine: Salvatrice or Salvatora; [derivative of Xavier]; translates as "Saviour" in Italian) is one of the main families in The Vampire Diaries. A DISALVATORE makes up 0.1 of every 100k people in the population.. Other US Census data for DISALVATORE Salvatore's immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Callori family tree. People Projects Discussions Surnames Giovanni L Barbera 1868-1932; Dorotea Sottile ca 1868-1943 Union(s) et enfant(s) The Salvatore Family is one of the Founding Families in the series. Register Start a Wiki. In both the novels and on the show, the Salvatore family is of Italian origin and descent. This is the family tree of the United kingdom.





, Zach Salvatore In 1891 there were 12 Salvatore families living in London. The origins of the Gambino crime family can be traced back to the D'Aguila gang of Manhattan. Like the Petrova family, the Salvatore family is also known for having a bloodline of Doppelgängers, known as the Salvatore Doppelgängers, starting from their earliest known ancestor, Silas the world's first Immortal man. — Salvatore Montaperto Branciforte s'investì del titolo di Principe di Raffadali e dallo Stato e Terra omonima, a 10 Agosto 1765, per la morte e come primogenito legittimo e naturale ed erede universale di Bernardo suddetto, per testamento già redatto agli atti di Not. See the list of all Salvatore. Charles Luciano, dit « Lucky Luciano » (né le 24 novembre 1897 à Lercara Friddi en Sicile, Italie - mort le 26 janvier 1962 à Naples), est un mafieux italo-américain, né sous le nom de Salvatore Lucania. Salvatore Salmieri from tree Paula's Family Tree. FAMILY TREE. Read Family tree from the story The other Salvatore by GeorgiaBailey4 with 1,350 reads. The Salvatore family is primarily male dominated and all of the known members of the Salvatore family happen to be men. Family Tree; Artist Matthew West; Licensed to YouTube by ... Damon and Stefan Salvatore | Brothers Don't Give Up [7x15] - Duration: 3:45. Salvatore's Family MyHeritage est le meilleur endroit pour héberger les familles en ligne. Silas † Tom Avery † Lillian Salvatore † Giuseppe Salvatore † Giuseppe's Lover † Darius Salvatore. Girolamo Savasta di Palermoil 1S ottobre 1750 (Conserv.. 1703-67. f. 92 retro e 96 retro). Results 1-20 of 25,574. The Salvatore family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1841 and 1920. Chaz Salvatore Bono (born Chastity Sun Bono; March 4, 1969) is an American transgender advocate, writer, actor, and musician. Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Francesco Marius Salvatore. They married not long before he died. To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Location—even a guess will help. He is presumably one of the most powerful witches of all time, only rivaled by Qetsiyah. Salvatore Enea was born in 1890, to Enea and Vincenza Enea. Records of "Salvatore Greco ""The" "Engineer""" on Ancestry. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 1919 - 2018 VIRGINIA CIARAMITARO. Le magazine Time l'a classé parmi les principaux bâtisseurs d'empire du XXe siècle : un empire du crime1. This was about 75% of all the recorded Salvatore's in the UK. Français FR. Salvatore Gorgone was born circa 1927, at birth place, Massachusetts, to Frank Gorgone and Josephine Gorgone. A family tree displaying the names related to the given name Salvatore Note: Dashed horizontal lines indicate confirmed parentage out of wedlock. Stefan was made human again by Bonnie Bennett and married Caroline Forbes, but he died shortly after making Damon, human. The Salvatore Family is one of the main families in The Vampire Diaries. Salvatore had 14 siblings: Nunzia Aquila, Rosina Liberto (born Aquia) and 12 other siblings. Another 57 words (4 lines of text) covering the year 1821 is included under the topic Early Salvatore History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. The origination is from the Latin word Salvius, which seems to have been in some way used in the Iberian Peninsula, before it became fashionable in Rome. Salvatore Cassaro Obituary. Salvatore's immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Dangelo family tree. Salvatore Meilak died on January 20, 1918 at 28 years old. 1923-2019 SALVATORE WILLIAM CIARAMITARO. From Rebekah's research from Carol Lockwood, wood from the Salvatore Mills helped to build most of the town of Mystic Falls. Silas: Silas is the progenitor of the Salvatore Doppelgänger bloodline and is a distant ancestor of the Salvatore's.. Get started 1940 United States Federal Census. Salvatore married Grazia Valenti Enea in 1920, at age 30. Physics Tree: academic genealogy for researcher. Adding trainee for Santo Salvatore Type a name and select match from the drop-down list. Founded in the 1890s, the Morellos were the first Sicilian (or Italian) criminal gang in New York. In the novels, the Salvatore family have no supernatural ancestors and are pure humans, while on the show, the Salvatore family are descended from a bloodline of powerful witches and warlocks. There is no information about Salvatore's surviving family. Notable family members Salvatore's immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Troccio family tree. Find out about Salvatore DiCaprio's family tree, family history, ancestry, ancestors, genealogy, relationships and affairs! Here is Salvatore Serpe’s obituary. Silas was the world's very first immortal being and was the earliest known ancestor of the Salvatore family bloodline, as well as the progenitor of the Salvatore doppelgänger bloodline which spawned Stefan Salvatore and several others, and was also a very distant ancestor of the Salvatore family. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Salvatore Roma and we’ll search for valuable new information for you. ABOUT YOUR FOLKS. Damon and Stefan's mother is mentioned but she doesn't appear. Salvatore's Family Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Lo Salvatore Paro of Middleburg Heights, Ohio, who passed away at the age of 82, on December 24, 2020. Damon eventually married Elena Gilbert. Early History of the Salvatore family. Games Movies TV Video. 1-888-868-0005 (toll-free) Login. Salvatore's Family Arbre généalogique de genealogie chez MyHeritage. The Salvatore Family has also been linked with the Gilbert, Lockwood, Fell, and Forbes families since the mid-1800s. Discover the family tree of Salvatore XUEREB for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. This family has the responsibility of providing vervain within the town of Mystic Falls. 1928 - 2019 Salvatore William Ciaramitaro. Salvatore's immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Troccio family tree. Raised in Kingwood Township, he attended and … Salvatore Family. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Genealogy for Salvatore Buscemi (1965 - 2008) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Rosa was born in 1896. In 1911 there were 15 Salvatore families living in Ontario. This was about 50% of all the recorded Salvatore's in the USA. Find out about Salvatore Torricelli's family tree, family history, ancestry, ancestors, genealogy, relationships and affairs! 2. There are 297 DISALVATORE records listed in the 2010 US Census, and it is the Number 66553 ranked name. Episodes . elena, klaus, vampire. … Everything is coming up Salvatore, so much so that I have decided to turn over a new leaf! All Family Trees results for Salvatore Salmieri. Family Members. Salvatore was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, the youngest of a family of seven. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Edit your search or learn more. Family Tree; Genealogy Research; WikiTree Tools; Contact; Francesco Marius Salvatore before 1899 - before 1980 Le Seyne, Toulon, France. Here is Salvatore Azzarello’s obituary. Salvatore D'Aquila was an influential emigrant from Palermo, Sicily who joined the Morello gang of East Harlem. Hold on … History Members. List of Salvatore family ancestors. Like the Petrova family, the Salvatore family is also known for having a bloodline of Doppelgängers, known as the Salvatore Doppelgängers, starting from their earliest known ancestor, Silas the world's first Immortal man. Henry Tudor † Elizabeth of York † Catherine of Aragon † Henry Tudor † … After Zach died, it appeared as though it ended the Salvatore Family Tree. Loyalty Caroline Forbes: Caroline was the wife of the late Stefan Salvatore. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Share Frank's Tree on Facebook . Edit Search New search. Ontario had the highest population of Salvatore families in 1911. The Salvatore family on the show are also descended from the first immortal being (Silas). Get started FamilySearch Family Tree. It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish. Bono is the only child that American entertainers Sonny and Cher had together, though each had children from other relationships. He was born c. 1890. Contact; Francesco Marius Salvatore before 1899 - before 1980 Le Seyne, Toulon, France. Silas † (Originator of Salvatore Doppelgängers; Witch; Formerly Immortal)Silas' Unknown Family and Relatives † (Witches)Unidentified Salvatore Doppelgängers † (Human; Doppelgängers)Giuseppe Salvatore † (Human)Lillian Salvatore † (Vampire)Zachariah Salvatore † (Human)Zachariah Salvatore's Unnamed Son † (Human)Damon Salvatore (Human, The Cure; Formerly Vampire)Stefan Salvatore † (Human, Doppelgänger, Formerly The Cure)Jacob Salvatore † (Possibly a Witch)Joseph Salvatore † (Human)Joseph Salvatore's Son † (Human)Zach Salvatore † (Human)Unnamed Salvatore (Giuseppe's Illegitimate Son) † (Human)Tom Avery † (Human, Doppelgänger)Sarah Salvatore † (Human)Caroline Forbes (Vampire, Stefan's Wife)Elena Gilbert (Human, Doppelgänger, Damon's Wife) Salvatore Bartoletti married Michalena Bartoletti and had 3 children. (The record of his death gives his date of birth as 11 November 1871.) This is The Salvatore Family Tree contains all known members of this family. Here is a collection of tools for genealogists with an interest in Frank's family history. Salvatore Azzarello Obituary. 1927 - 2020 ROSE ANN OKEEFE. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? This was about 56% of all the recorded Salvatore's in Canada. 1938-2019 ANGELA V. BOLOGNA. Salvatore Boarding House (Formerly)Salvatore EstateSalvatore Oil Mills Species Category:Salvatore Family | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom. Sarah Salvatore and Lillian Salvatore are the first female members of the Salvatore family to be seen on screen as of season six, though they were born and married into the family, respectively. francescawas born on December 30 1861, in Messina. His godmother is Maria Grizzaffi, who is unmarried. Ancestry is a major source of information if you are filling out your "Salvatore Greco ""The" "Engineer""" family tree. One of the most powerful Cosa Nostra Families to ever operate within the Mafia’s national orbit was the Upstate New York clan headed by boss Stefano Magaddino. We're Not Worthy; Goodbyes Sure Do Suck; Salvatore: The Musical! However, it is assumed that he knows other languages as well, as he was seen to be speaking Polish. This is The Salvatore Family Tree which contains all known members of this family. Petrova Family : Gilbert Family: Forbes Family: Damon Salvatore. Here is Lo Salvatore Paro’s obituary. (There must be at least 100 to make the list). Adding mentor for Salvatore Solimeno Type a name and select match from the drop-down list. London had the highest population of Salvatore families in 1891. Unnamed Lady: She was a mysterious woman who fell in love with Silas. The Salvatore family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1841 and 1920. Silas is the oldest known member of the Salvatore family or bloodline, being born some time during 1st century B.C.E. Français FR. The Salvatore Family is one of the Founding Families in the series. Build the family tree and trace the origins. Elena Gilbert. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Salvatore research. The most Salvatore families were found in the USA in 1920. Affiliation The most Salvatore families were found in the USA in 1920. The Salvatore Family is one of the main families in The Vampire Diaries. Salvatore Digiovanni Obituary. Browse profiles of historical people with the Salvatore last name. The Streva family arrives in New Orleans on the Po, at the end of 1891. There is no information about Salvatore's surviving family. His parents are Francesco Streva and Emmanuela Grizzaffi. 2,613 Pages. Discover the family tree of Salvatore Bonanno for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. It is the only family without a female member that appears in the series. Salvatore had 6 siblings: Angela … This surname is in the top 162,000 names in the US Census from 2010. It means literally "saviour save you" and was used in honor of the Christ. Born in Somerville, NJ, September 30, 1951, he was the son of the late Antonio and Alessandria Carulli DeSapio. Tvdroleplayerontextplus Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. Genealogy for Salvatore Ferragamo (1898 - 1960) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. List of Salvatore ancestors, baptisms, marriages and burials. Here is Salvatore Cassaro’s obituary. Giuseppe's lover is mentioned by the Salvatore brothers, but she doesn't appear. Discover the family tree of Salvatore XUEREB for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. The Salvatore Family (Greek: Σαλβατορε) is one of the main families in The Vampire Diaries. Salvatore Streva is born and baptized on 10 November 1870 in Corleone. People Projects Discussions Surnames Wikis. The family origin comes from Florence, Italy, as evidenced by the Florentine seal on some parts of the Salvatore Boarding House. The family comes from Florence, Italy as evidenced by the Florentine seal on some parts of the Salvatore Boarding House. People Projects Discussions Surnames Salvatore "Sam" Roma was born on month day 1901, at birth place, to Guiseppe "Joseph" Ruma and Lucia "Louise" Ruma. The Salvatore Family has also been linked with the Gilbert, Lockwood, Fell, and Forbes families since the mid-1800s. 1985 - 2019 Carol Ann Ciaramitaro. The Vampire Diaries Wiki. — Salvatore Montaperto Valguarnera s'investì del titolo di Principe non che dello Stato e Terra di Raffadali, a 20 Giugno 1806, per la morte di Salvatore suddetto, suo avo e per intermedia persona di Bernardo Montaperto, padre di Salvatore, juniore, che premorì a Salvatore, seniore, non che come erede universale dell'avo per testamento pubblicato da Not. Immortal (Formerly)Progenitor Of DoppelgängersDoppelgängerWitchHumanVampireAugustine Vampire (Formerly)Ghost (Formerly)Spirit of Hell (Formerly)Spirit of the Phoenix Stone (Formerly) Famous Salvatore Family Ancestors. 1 of 9Add photoJSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:["/resources/wikia/libraries/jquery/slideshow/jquery-slideshow-0.4.js","/extensions/wikia/WikiaPhotoGallery/js/WikiaPhotoGallery.slideshow.js"],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGallerySlideshow.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGallerySlideshow.init",options:{"id":"slideshow-1","width":"500px","height":"375px"}})JSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:["/extensions/wikia/WikiaPhotoGallery/js/WikiaPhotoGallery.view.js"],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init"}). According to Qetsiyah, Salvatore Doppelgängers are destined to meet and fall in love with the Petrova Doppelgängers as the Salvatore and Petrova Doppelgängers are spawned from Silas and Amara, who were soul mates who became the world's very first immortal beings. If no match exists, you will be prompted to add a new person to the tree. Salvatore Anthony DeSapio, age 69 years, of Kingwood Township, NJ, died suddenly on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at his home. Property From Rebekah's research, wood from the Salvatore mills helped build most of Mystic Falls. Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Francesco Marius Salvatore. A/N Not much will happen in this chapter. There are additional tools below. Salvatore Charles Ciaramitaro. Salvatore Family Salvatore Gorgone 1927 Massachusetts Salvatore Gorgone, born Circa 1927. GENEALOGY SERVICES. As of the eighth season, Damon and Stefan were the last living members of the Salvatore family. (100 B.C.). Nicholas Nick Joseph Salvatore Lo Salvatore Paro Obituary. Grazia was born in 1896, in Balestrate. Salvatore's immediate relatives including parents, siblings, partnerships and children in the Badali family tree. It is unknown if there are other living members of the Salvatore Family still around to this day. Giuseppe's lover is mentioned by the Salvatore Brothers, but she doesn't appear. BEGIN MY FAMILY TREE (FREE) FIND A PERSON (FREE) Marriages of the family Salvatore. Build your family tree for free. Unnamed Salvatore (Giuseppe's Illegitimate Son) †, Other variations and spellings of the name Salvatore include. 2010 US Census data for DISALVATORE. The family origin comes from Florence, Italy, as evidenced by the Florentine seal on some parts of the Salvatore Boarding House. Vale Salvatore's Family Elena Gilbert: Elena is the wife of Damon Salvatore. Genealogy for Salvatore Sollena (deceased) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. 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Wife of the Christ browse profiles of ancestors and living relatives 12 Salvatore families in 1911 were! Bâtisseurs d'empire du XXe siècle: un empire du crime1 and on the show, the UK Canada! Of all the recorded Salvatore 's in Canada a DISALVATORE makes up 0.1 of every 100k people in the in. Credited his High School English teacher with being instrumental in his development a... Up Salvatore, and the adoptive daughter and niece of Miranda Sommers and Grayson Gilbert out... And affairs begin MY family tree of Salvatore Bonanno for free, and Scotland between and! To make the list ) of East Harlem 15 Salvatore families were in...