in comparison with other perennial, cool-season grasses when managed as pasture, cut This can become important when considering the ideal Calcium:Phosphorus ratio for horses, which should be about 2:1. Cultivars with higher OM and NDF digestibility and better nutritive value have been developed. Common bermuda grass does not grow tall enough for hay production, but coastal bermuda grass can be used. Grass hay. This hay is typically a good and less expensive alternative to orchard or timothy hay grass hay. Nutrition - Jun 18th, 02 HAY QUALITY & NUTRITION: Evaluating Your Horse's Nutritional Needs Horses are herbivores by design and foragers by nature. ©2020 Standlee Premium Products, LLC® All Rights Reserved. In other words, if providing the hay free-choice, cows will not be able to consume enough of this hay to meet her energy needs. Much of this tradition is due to the fact that Timothy was one of the first grasses cultivated for horse hay. I'd start offering hay now, in addition to pasture, best in a slowfeeder of some kind. The same column should be used consistently to prevent comparative errors. As long as the hay has been stored in a dry environment, the only significant loss is Vitamin A, and most of that loss occurred in the first 6 months of storage. Therefore, feeding Timothy Grass has a well-established comfort level with horse people. Orchard grass hay yields a crude protein between 8 and 13 percent and has a calcium content of 0.26 to 0.27 percent. ratio of calcium to phosphorus and Timothy Grass has a low to moderate calorie content. The majority of these nutrient losses from hay occur during the initial curing process. Orchard grass hay is another type of grass hay similar to timothy hay. and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.). In some areas, minerals or other nutrients might be depleted from the soil, leaving a deficit in the nutritional value to the horse. Caution 3. Find the nutritional value of Standlee Premium Western Forage types, including alfalfa, timothy grass, mixed forages, and orchard grass. Thanks. ... • Sorghum X Sudan grass hybrids • Pearl millet Compared to corn, these forages only ... • Harvest when grain is in dough stage of maturity Sorghum Sudan and Pearl Millet • Can be grazed, harvested as hay, or ensiled after wilting as silage or baleage Feed Quality and Nutritional Value 9. The nutritional . Once Sorghum-Sudan grass begins to head out, the quality and feeding value drop drastically. The higher calorie content of Orchard Grass is a result of higher fiber digestibility compared to Timothy Grass. Some are young and developing, full of promise for the future. Bermuda grass hay is used mostly in the southern United States. The high nutrient intake delivered by Orchard Grass hay translates into potentially less grain the horse would need to eat to satisfy Grass Hay averages 10.8% protein and 12.9% NSC. Standlee Premium Western Forage produces both Timothy Grass and Orchard Grass forage products. Timothy is a valuable grass for hay, since it dries well and provides winter food for livestock. Therefore, feeding Timothy Grass has a well-established comfort level with horse people. Alfalfa is also a popular horse hay since it is widely available. Fertility 5. © 2020 WILD SKY MEDIA. in the form of hay is the primary source of forage. value of brome and alfalfa also decreases with advane­ ing maturity (Ferebee et al. Rhodes Grass** 8 - 18 55.5 - 62.5 7.5 - 10.5 Irrigated in the dry season Rice hay** 5.5 - 11.6 50 - 63 6.8 - 9 Lower values from wet season produced rice stubble without grain. 1. that horses readily consume with minimal or no waste. Timothy is a valuable grass for hay, since it dries well and provides winter food for livestock. What Do You Feed a Cow That Doesn't Have Much Pasture. Seeding 4. Like any other preserved forage, the quality of orchardgrass hay depends on multiple factors, primary of which are cultivation and harvesting techniques. Nutritional Value of Hay The nutritional value of hay is related to leaf content. 2 Bosworth et al. High quality Smooth bromegrass left much beyond this period will decrease rapidly in nutritional content. 2 At the first hay cutting, many winter annual weeds such as curly dock, Virginia pepperweed (Lepidium virginicum), and cutleaf evening primrose may be mature, which may cause hay quality to decline. Dry matter values are useful when comparing the nutrient content of different samples that have different water content, such as the values between dried hay and pasture grass. Equi-analytical laboratories analyze feeds for hay producers as well as horse professionals around the country, and their 10 year averages are a good baseline for nutrition values. Orchard Grass is higher in protein (10-12%), higher in calorie content and contains the same balanced levels of calcium and phosphorus For horses with high protein needs, Bermuda hay is not the best option. Soft dough oaten hay has nutrients comparable with those of grass hay but with less calcium. A properly managed stand of smooth bromegrass can yield high-quality hay. It makes excellent hay for weaning calves or growing young stock. When it comes to feeding your animals, you want the most nutritionally balanced hay you can find for their diets. Phosphorus and potassium should be in the medium range and the soil pH should be between 6.2 and 6.8 for optimum production and persistence. If you could let me know if the annual ryegrass is a good nutrition source for deer that would be great! Feeding Value of Sorghum and Annual Forages John K. Bernard The University of Georgia. This mineral is scarce in many areas of North America, and that means horses won’t be getting enough from grass or hay. It also has information on purchasing, storing, and feeding alfalfa hay; and uses science to discuss myths and facts of feeding horses. Typical chemical composition of fresh Bermuda grass is 9-16% protein, 45-85% NDF and 20-45% ADF (DM basis). Stage at first harvest Crude protein a Digestible dry matter ; OG b RC SB Tim OG RC SB Tim----- % -----a Grasses were fertilized with 200-250 lb of N the previous year. When seeding an orchardgrass-legume mixture, the two should mature at about the same time. Among grasses, orchardgrass does particularly well in mixed stands. Rangifer, 15 (1): 15-18: Azimi, S. A., 1990. It has a rather low protein content compared to, for instance, alfalfa hay. However, this hay is not time sensitive when it comes to nutritional content. are different among the species. Our oat hay, like all grass hays, meets the nutritional needs of herbivores that need high fiber and low protein. The service we provide for nutritional testing works best when you sample hay or haylage and is an extremely important aspect of managing the diet of all horses and ponies prone to laminitis. This mineral is scarce in many areas of North America, and that means horses won’t be getting enough from grass or hay. Hay or grass is the foundation of the diet for all grazing animals and can provide as much as 100% of the fodder required for an animal. Grass forage featuring a moderate protein and moderately high fiber content. As you can see below from Figure 1, 100 kg of grass will contain approximately 83 kg of water. Several varieties of orchardgrass have been tested and were high-yielding in Pennsylvania variety trials. However, if the hay is stored above the stalls (in a two-story barn), and the loft area is not well ventilated, the dry forage can soak up moisture in the air that may be rising from below. Alfalfa Hay (also known as Legume Hay) averages 21.2% protein and 11% NSC (simple starches). However again because the grass is changing within weeks we do not consider it worth our customers to provide a service to test grass for nutritional value. Livestock producers need hay that provides high protein, energy and mineral values while delivering low fiber content to ensure quick nutrient absorption by the animal. Traditional Selection Criteria . Nutritional value of seaweed to ruminants. It is as nutritious as Timothy hay, and its value … Nick, If properly fertilized ryegrass can produce high quality forage. The leaves of grass hay have more nutrients and are more digestible when the plant is immature and growing, and more fiber when the plant has reached full growth. Timothy hay is suitable for growth in cooler climates. Pigs may also be fed hay, but they do not digest it as efficiently as ruminants. Of course, hay kept in storage for a long time will lose its field-fresh smell, but that will not affect its protein or energy nutritional value. In some areas, minerals or other nutrients might be depleted from the soil, leaving a deficit in the nutritional value to the horse. High quality Timothy Grass contains a moderate amount of protein, usually testing at approximately 8% protein. Not only is timothy hay very palatable, but it also has excellent nutritional value for horses, especially if it is harvested at the correct stage of growth. warm or cool season grasses, tall or short and legumes or grasses. Why is My Guinea Pig Chewing When It's Not Eating Anything? This publication describes the factors affecting the nutritional value of alfalfa hay as well as the horse’s digestive system and nutritional needs. Oaten hay is hay made from oat harvests not used for grains. Orchardgrass has been cultivated for pasture and hay since colonial times and has been an important forage in horse husbandry since then. To determine the nutrient content of any hay, have it tested. Teff grass is a summer annual forage for livestock and commercial hay producers who often need a fast-growing, high-yielding crop with competitive forage quality. Empower Her. Compared to Timothy Grass, Orchard Grass grows better in moderate drought conditions and provides Seemingly, the only potential draw-back with Timothy Grass is availability. There are many types of hay harvested from grasses including alfalfa, timothy, clover and rye. In pure stands, add 40-60 pounds of N per acre depending on planting … Any green forage fed to horses provides enough beta-carotene to ensure that the horse does not need supplemental Vitamin A. This forage is best if it is cut between early heading and full bloom, typically around mid-May. Timothy Grass is als… and Orchard Grass making them the big two forage grasses. depending on their function and activity. Oats are valuable also in crop rotation and have various industrial uses. The same stand of grass can be cut four or five times a year. Though not as commonly used by farmers to feed their animals, oaten hay can be harvested at various maturity stages. Most horses require about 12 percent CP. The value of hay is determined by the composition of nutrients in the hay rather than the hay's appearance. “As a source of fiber, well-made orchardgrass hay has a place in the diets of all types of horses. But it’s the dry matter that contains the key nutrients that the animal needs. Alfalfa Hay is also higher in Calcium, with about 3 times as much as Grass Hay. Just by looking at the excellent nutritional quality of legumes, one might wonder why they shouldn’t feed their horses legume hay. Orchard Grass is a highly palatable grass with a high nutrient content. Much of this tradition is due to the fact that Timothy was one of the first What Are the Benefits of Feeding Alfalfa to Horses? This will enable harvesting of both species at proper developmental stages and improve the potential of harvesting top quality fora… Higher values taken from FeedTest® laboratory## data. Nutritional Analysis Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) is established from seed. a high quality grass forage option to utilize. This hay will not meet the cow herd’s energy requirements starting at 5 months prior to calving. This hay will not meet the cow herd’s energy requirements starting at 5 months prior to calving. Darbysh.] The most popular choices for grasses to be utilized as horse hay are Timothy Grass For horses that are stalled, or for horses that do not have abundant pasture, stored forage PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING. If you could let me know if the annual ryegrass is a good nutrition source for deer that would be great! From a nutritional angle, orchardgrass can be a worthwhile component in almost any horse-feeding … But as with grazing, as plants become mature and stemmy, switchgrass hay becomes less desirable and may need to be ground in order to be used effectively. Weeds can often make up a large percentage of a hay crop, especially in early spring when winter annual weeds are thriving. This helps ensure your horses always have They are thick stemmed and hard to dry for hay but they can supply ample yields of silage, green chop and pasture when perennial grasses are slowing down or going dormant. Key words: horses, nutrition, alfalfa, grass hay, nutrient requirements, insulin resistance, starving horses INTRODUCTION America’s nine million horses are as diverse as Americans themselves. Abstract The nutritive value of a forage largely determines ruminant animal daily performance through the provision of digestible energy, crude protein (CP), minerals, and vitamins. Signal Grass* 3.5 - 13.5 47.5 - 66 6 - 8 Lower values are wet season grown and harvested early dry. Standlee Premium Western Orchard Grass is typically slightly higher in protein and calories compared to Timothy and can be moderate to high in sugar content. It gets its name from the first farmer to promote it for hay, Timothy Hanson; From 1870 to 1910, timothy was a valuable cash crop, since hay was need to feed horses that propelled carriages and farm machines ; Timothy Nutritional Information. Dr. Stephen Duren, Performance Horse Nutrition and Standlee Premium Western Forage® Nutritional Consultant. and requires a significant amount of water to grow. energy and protein requirements. Weed Control 6. Introduction 2. to the increases in fiber and lignin. The two most important ryegrass species are Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) High quality forage is critical for proper digestive function in horses. Feeding Hay to Horses and Ponies. Bermuda grass hay is usually of lower quality than the fresh forage: it contains about 10% protein, 75% NDF and 36% ADF (DM basis). Timothy Grass is the traditional favorite among horse owners. Hay is grass, legumes, or other herbaceous plants that have been cut and dried to be stored for use as animal fodder, particularly for large grazing animals raised as livestock, such as cattle, horses, donkeys, goats, and sheep.However, it is also fed to smaller domesticated animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. However, the lower persistence of perennial ryegrass relative to other cool-season grasses and the increased drying time of ryegrasses should be considered prior to their use. Apart from their bland taste Alfalfa is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. CP can ranges from: 8 to 14 percent in grass hays (depending on nitrogen fertilization) 14 to 17 percent in legume-grass mixed hays. These values were obtained from Feeds & Nutrition by M. E. Ensminger, J. E. Oldfield, and W. … Oat hulls are a source of furfural , and oat flour has been used as a food preservative in ice cream and other dairy products. Hay that has been stored in the barn for a year or more has maintains its nutrient value. Unfortunately soaking hay can reduce the nutritional value of hay, as up to 70% of water-soluble carbohydrates and 20% of protein is lost during this process. Selenium, in particular, is of concern to horse owners. The closer the nutrient composition of the hay matches the requirements of the horse being fed, the fewer supplements needed and the more economical the total ration. Teff has a wide range of adaptation and is being used all across the U.S. as hay, silage or pasture for dairy, beef, sheep or horses. Oat straw is preferred by farmers for animal bedding. This chapter will examine the nutritional composition of tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Either the “as sampled” or “dry matter” nutrient values can be used to balance a ration, if the feeds contain a similar dry matter content. It is also lower in nutritional value but has good amounts of vitamins A and D, calcium, and phosphorous. Alfalfa Hay (also known as Legume Hay) averages 21.2% protein and 11% NSC (simple starches). Conversely, hay baled too dry might lose its nutritional value through broken or fallen leaves. They have evolved to utilize grasses and other forage plants as their primary source of nutrition. By the dough stage, the grass … as Timothy grass. Grass silage feed value impacts on ewe body condition at lambing, lamb birth weight, colostrum supply and subsequently on lamb survivability and labour demands during the busy period around lambing. Though you may not feed your animals one specific hay, finding out the value of the nutrients in each individual hay could help determine the percentage of each hay you add to their daily diets. The chief value of oats remains as a pasturage and hay crop, especially for horses. provides good nutrition for cows during the growing season and is used extensively to produce hay for winter feeding. After rye forage is cut it should be wilted and then made into silage in tower, bunk, pile or bag silos. Potomac is an early maturing variety (early May), Dawn and Rancho are medium-maturing varieties (mid-to late-May), and Pennlate is a late-maturing variety (late May to early June). Fall has a rise in sugars but general nutrition goes down. From a nutritional angle, as those classified advertisements indicate, orchardgrass can be a worthwhile component in almost any horse-feeding scenario. It also adapts extremely well to different soils. Rain is the bane of a hay harvester’s existence, and it can cause extensive nutrient losses, especially to vitamins A and E, protein, and certain carbohydrates. While there are many quality characteristics that influence the intake of a grass by livestock, the most useful are digestibility and crude protein; hence, where available, these figures are provided for individual species. The performance of livestock grazing grasses is directly related to the quantity and quality of grass on offer. in English. Forage Hay. Timothy hay is time sensitive, so you must cut the grass at the exact right time. Orchard Grass is the emerging super star of the horse hay world. digestible energy. It can be cut during early maturation stages, yielding a higher-nutritional quality hay for your animals. Some of us are unsure about the food plot that is mainly annual ryegrass because of its low nutritional value, but others think that its a great plot nutrition wise because of the annual ryegrass. Grass can be divided into its water and dry matter content. Nutritional Concerns and Animal Health Hazards However, they are typically high in vitamin K and also contain many other nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, manganese and folate. It gets its name from the first farmer to promote it for hay, Timothy Hanson; From 1870 to 1910, timothy was a valuable cash crop, since hay was need to feed horses that propelled carriages and farm machines; Timothy Nutritional Information Analysis. The grass hay would have to be supplemented with all nutrients except Vitamin A. Forage (hay/pasture) makes up 60-100% of the diet for horses, She is a full-time sports nutrition writer, fitness blogger and freelance copywriter. the nutritional attributes of grazed grass, which makes up 60-80% of the total dry matter intake of most ruminants, is less well known. Hay cut earlier (for example at 21 days regrowth) may have a protein content of about 15% DM, close to that of fresh grass (Tagari et al., 1977). If you cut it cut before or after maturation, the nutritional value will deteriorate. Thanks. Timothy grass usually yields just two cuttings per year Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids fit best in summer feeding programs. This legume type of hay has a crude protein content between 17 and 20 percent, and it has 1.19 to 1.41 percent calcium and 0.98 to 1.13 mCal/lb. It is frequently assumed that weeds have low nutritive value and livestock will not eat weeds, so expensive and time-consuming measures are often used for their control.12 Some weeds are toxic or poisonous to livestock, and certain weeds are unpalatable – causing a reduction in total intake.9 Several weed species have th… Nutritional value of perennial cool-season grasses at first harvest. Some of us are unsure about the food plot that is mainly annual ryegrass because of its low nutritional value, but others think that its a great plot nutrition wise because of the annual ryegrass. These two factors along with its traditional popularity limit the supply of Timothy Timothy plants are sensitive to time of cutting (stage of maturity when cut) and cutting at the wrong stage of maturity is damaging to the plants. 1972). Producers must know the energy, protein and major mineral levels of these feeds to develop balanced, least-cost diets for livestock. However, new experimental varieties from Switzerland have shown no stand loss after three production years in Pennsylvania. There is no winter or cold weather re… For example, above are some average nutritional values of legume and grass hays on an as fed basis (source: Protein is necessary for tissue growth in young animals, and alfalfa hay may promoter greater development. How to Mix & Feed Hay Rations for Beef Cattle, Difference Between Hay and Straw and Which Is Best for Bedding. Compare Feeding Rolled Corn Vs. Cracked Corn. What Is the Difference Between a Hay Tedder & a Hay Rake? With three cuttings instead of two cuttings, Orchard Grass produces consistent soft texture hay ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used, ensure that the laboratory has calibrated its equipment for your specific feed; otherwise, the analysis will not provid… Hay with moderate or low RFV value might be desirable for horses with low nutrient requirements, because they can eat enough to satisfy their hunger without gaining too much weight. Though this grass isn't time sensitive, it reaches maturation during a season not favorable to farmers. They establish rapidly, have long growing seasons, are relatively high yielding in suitable environments, have high nutritive value, and can be used for grazing, hay, or silage. In winter grass is dormant, and hay will be needed. Therefore a 6-month-old bale of grass hay might have slightly more than 10% of the beta-carotene content compared to that same grass … Napier grass, also known as elephant grass is botanically called Pennisetum purpureum; it is a good pasture crop with high nutritive value. Alfalfa hay is an ideal source for animals because it is full of rich nutrients. It offers the most nutrients during the 50 percent headed phase, with a protein percentage of 15.6 to 16.3 and a calcium percentage of 0.32. Nutrition Loss in Stored Hay. This hay is relatively new to the hay world, but is an excellent feed for all classes of livestock. There are numerous varieties of bermudagrass, both seeded (common, Cheyenne, Wrangler) and hybrid (Tifton 85, Coastal, Jiggs, etc.). Horses are more able to convert poor quality forage than ruminants such as cows, goats and sheep. Nutrition - Jun 18th, 02 HAY QUALITY & NUTRITION: Evaluating Your Horse's Nutritional Needs Horses are herbivores by design and foragers by nature. Teff grass is a summer annual forage for livestock and commercial hay producers who often need a fast-growing, high-yielding crop with competitive forage quality. The Calcium in Alfalfa is higher, but the Phosphorus is about the same as grass hay, which could lead to an imbalance in the diet of a given horse. Key Words: Teff, Tef hay quality, Annual grass, Horse hay, Summer Forage, Forage grasses, Tiffany Teff, Dessie Teff, Corvallis Teff, Velvet Teff INTRODUCTION Teff (Eragrostis tef) a warm season annual grass (C4) is gaining popularity with farmers across the U.S. as a new alternative summer forage grass. Nutritional Value Of Napier Grass. Italian ryegrass has a bunch-type growth (lacks rhizomes) and flowers in day lengths greater than 11 hours. grasses cultivated for horse hay. Feed Quality and Nutritional Value. TDN will be 11.04 lbs per day (24 lbs DMI x 0.46 hay % TDN) or 8.4 Mcal/d of NEm (24 DMI x 0.35 hay Mcal NEm). Many of the alternative feeds vary widely in nutrient content, making an analysis or some assessment of the feed value necessary. Traditionally, Italian ryegrass would not survive for more than a single growing season in northern climates. According to the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, alfalfa hay for dairy cattle provides an average crude protein level of 18 percent with a fiber level of 23 percent. Nutritional Value. Also, different animals require different nutrients, so knowing the nutritional value can help you determine the types of hay you use for specific animals. 15 to over 20 percent in legume hays. TDN will be 11.04 lbs per day (24 lbs DMI x 0.46 hay % TDN) or 8.4 Mcal/d of NEm (24 DMI x 0.35 hay Mcal NEm). Remains as a pasturage and hay crop, especially in early spring when winter weeds... To, for instance, alfalfa hay is a tall, leafy, cool-season. 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