Implement font smoothing in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox! Most -webkit- prefixed properties also work with an -apple- prefix. Total breakup on Safari because of that font rendering… Well most of developers do know that but client usually just say “Well this doesnt look the same to me…” So instead making mess with font rendering, they should think of supporting css in fully as w3c propposed, imho… Switching from subpixel rendering to antialiasing for light text on dark backgrounds makes it look lighter. css - google - webkit font smoothing html . Es sieht so aus, als ob die Schriftglättung zweimal auf mich angewendet wird. Sie werden einen Unterschied in der Schriftdarstellung erkennen. (2) Ich teste sie auf Chrome und Safari auf dem PC und sie beide sehen fast gleich aus, erinnern Browser-Rendering sind nicht genau das gleiche und Sie verwenden auch einige nicht websichere Schriften wie "Baskerville LT W01 aufrecht", "Baskerville", "Caslon 540 LT W01 … Click Me to Smooth Scroll to Section 2 Below. Wenn Sie die Fußzeile auf dieser Seite hier in Safari betrachten, sehen Sie sich dieselbe Fußzeile auf einer anderen Seite an.

Click on the link to see the "smooth" scrolling effect. Better Font Smoothing in Chrome & Safari By Mobomo May 08, 2014 The battle for consistent font smoothing is a universal struggle for web designers.
Here’s a 4-line snippet on how to get beautiful, antialiased text with CSS.

antialiased - Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. Note: Remove the scroll-behavior property to remove smooth scrolling. Webkit for whatever reason likes to make the fonts swap from subpixel to standard antialiasing when doing css transforms. One-page guide to CSS antialiasing: usage, examples, and more. To do this, put this on your element you need to style. These extensions are generally prefixed with -webkit- . Personally, I’ve found the best way to fix this is to force standard antialiasing on the element which is being transformed. Warum verändert eine eingebettete Google-Map das Font-Rendering von Safari? Applications based on WebKit or Blink, such as Safari and Chrome, support a number of special WebKit extensions to CSS. Messing with font aliasing is bad, it may look good on YOUR computer, but turns out even worse than before on other people’s computers. This has to do with webkit and css. none - Turn font smoothing off; display text with jagged sharp edges.